
Diablo 3 Gold And rejection of cars ZXW

129668688752656250_20Recently, Miss LAU has encountered a bad thing, in the year when she bought a home-made cars, trolley problems did not expect this. After communicating with the car dealer has time and again, car dealer agreed to return the car, however problems ensued, Miss LAU has bought car insurance how to handle it? And rejection of cars Diablo 3 Power Leveling, car insurance surrender is not a simple thing, vehicle owners may also suffer. According toProvisions related to insurance companies, vehicle insurance surrender must meet two conditions: first, the vehicle must be within the validity period of an insurance policy. Secondly, in the period of validity of an insurance policy, the vehicle may surrender has not been reported to the insurer or claims, receive compensation from the insurance company cannot surrender; even if only reported to the insurance company but have not received compensation vehicles cannot be surrendered. Even if theOwners obtained the surrender of an insurance company licensed, things are far from finished, typically insurance companies is not to encourage the surrender of policy holders Diablo 3 Gold, so for premium calculation is also relatively demanding surrender. In accordance with the provisions, the owners returned after car, strong insurance does not refund, vehicle owners will need to purchase again. Commercial vehicle insurance, the insurance company calculations should surrender is paid when the insured of insurance paymentsAmount, minus the insurance premiums charged by insurance companies should be in the time of the entry into force, remaining balance is to be returned to your insurance premiums. General monthly insurance take effect a month, a 10% premium, calculated on a one month less than one month, that is, if the owner has to be insured for ten months, even if the surrender to the insurance company or get two months of premiums. CarInsurance refunds process is quite complex. Insurance-related sources, when owner surrender, first to submit applications for surrender to the insurance company, explaining the reason for the surrender and from what time began to surrender, signed or sealed with the seal, take it to the insurance company's business management division. Applications for insurance companies to surrender after the audit, will issue a surrendered single, is noted on the batch annealingAmount of time and should surrender, while recovery of automobile insurance policies. Then returned an insurer to surrender and ID, give insurance premiums to the insurance company to receive back. It is worth noting is that since China's implementation of cars "three guarantees" policy, car insurance surrender may occur frequently. Under the new auto consumption environment, vehicle insurance purchase whether it should be looking for new solutions. The industry hasClose, analysts say, policy allows vehicles returned cases, insurance companies can continue to use the original exploration let consumers put a car insurance to avoid trouble and loss return policy. In the process of annealing car to reduce fees and days rather than months, time to put an end to the policy, after all, many vehicle owners back car, will also purchase of vehicles. For vehicle out of danger already took a moreFlexible premium refunds.

