
suffered psychologically unable to withstand heavy

129626157662500000_1737First raised the scale of private equity in September 66-month lows Huzhi has set a new low popularity slump, market, Shenzhen and Shanghai stock market mired in "falling over" flagging. Issued by the building because of super large stocks of the two cities hit then fell again, the Shanghai composite index falling below 2,400 integer shut, markets filled with pessimism. Down, down, down, down to where is the bottom? Millions of small investors will not help to explore. Even keenProfessionals did not dare to absurdism where, by the end of the analysis. Shenhu stock market abnormal status, is difficult explained by classical investment theory, long calendar of market and actual combat were confused. It is not a macro a "barometer", also depart from the checks and balances of supply and demand. Is a completely no matter how depressed the market, no matter how deep index fell, rings money, issue of new shares Golden cold surfacesHole. Investor sentiment generally slack Tong Ming is a secondary school teacher in Shenzhen, the first half of last year, he and his wife have invested $ 500,000 to the stock market. In October last year there was a wave, because top holdings nonferrous metal stocks, they had a profit of more than 280,000, make them happy is broken. Who knows into 2011, especially this May, stocks fell over. Tong Ming funds account significantly shrinkWater, not only 280,000 of the profit has gone, and even the principal has lost more than 220,000. These money are they they went without food for more than 10 years of savings. Due to the decrease in excessive and still see no signs of stock market stopped falling, my wife all day one's face was glum, this way, made by nature cautious Tong Ming cannot focus on work, near-time in the stock market open day every day he kept staring atStock, each rising a cent each fell a penny to affect his heart at all times. Because chronically high tension, suffered psychologically unable to withstand heavy, frequent insomnia of Tong Ming night, bad is he recently found suffering from hypertension, wife was already revealed suicide thoughts, 17 were high school son about home losses a lotMoney is not possible to study abroad and sentiment depressed, no thought, temperaments changed, they dragged it was down all childrens. Liquidity dilemma or a-shares "bane" decided to stock price mainly two factors, valuations and performance. In controlling inflation as the principal under the background of macro adjusting tone, this year's liquidity crunch diablo 3 power leveling, Central was forced to move down the market valuation, performanceNo significant negative case, the huzongzhi constantly create new lows. In the four quarters, a listed company earnings growth continues to slow, but the probability of a large loss is minimal. In this context, four-quarter funds face the effects of the a-share market would be more direct, and on the current situation diablo 3 gold, four quarters early a-shares still hard to get rid of liquidity woes policy to fine-tune the point in time mayAppears at the end of this year or early next year. First raised the scale of private equity in September 66-month low, according to public offering, private equity in September, hand in hand into the cold winter: private equity fund with an average first proceeds of each product is only $ 45 million, the average issue size 66-month lows; first raised scale of 954 million yuan of public fund average, and first half 1.664 billion yuanCompared to the average raise size of Telok 40%. According to the September a total of 18 public placement Fund was established, first raised the scale together 17.178 billion yuan, first raise of the average scale of 954 million Yuan, and 19 August Fund established, raising $ 20.128 billion, first raised on average scale of 1.059 billion yuan. Public placement fund raise money on average size of ringThan fall 9.92%. Added July 9 funds set up by (raising $ 6.058 billion, first raised on average scale of 673 million yuan), three quarters 46 raise money only new public fund set up by the average size of $ 975 million; and the first half, a total of 110 funds established, raising capital of 183.633 billion yuan, average first raised a scale of 1$ 664 million. It is clear that offering fund raising the September average size compared to the level in the first half dropped by more than 40%. It has been observed that many fund-raising scale struggling with $ 200 million to set up wards, of which fund raise size of less than 300 million this year as many as 9; some Fund to be set up, had to extend the subscription period, and this year extended to raise new funds10. Private equity release also is struggling. September 27 private product set up, the average issue size of 45 million Yuan and August respectively $ 71.6969 million compared to the average raise size of per cent; compared with the scale of first raised July, are contract 67.09%. According to the securities journal funds weekly recordObservations September first raised the scale of private equity funds with an average score since April 2006, a new low. Fund loss 8.04 million customers a year far exceeds loss scale fund half-year report 2008 shows that public fund currently stock holders total households is 91.6075 million, 8.0487 million less than 2010 medium-term, exceeding the 2008 KingBefore and after the financial crisis reduced 3.4672 million, became the public placement Fund history's largest wave of customer churn. It is learnt that from the end of 2007 to the middle of 2009 public-fund by the financial crisis there were also customer attrition, 3.4672 million decrease in stock holders. Analysis of industry experts, holder of the great loss is the fund industryThe grim situation, if by this loss of speed, two years after the stock of public fund holder account number may be less than 80 million account. China fund industry urgently seeking to reduce churn or customer number turned up way. Money, where to go? Enter since September, Shenzhen daily turnover largely maintained in 100 billion yuan. Relative to the a shares 24 trillionAround haul, this was embarrassing data. At the same time, willingness to invest now for the a-share investors are continuing to decline. Disclosure according to the number of positions at the end of August a shares accounts for 57.0984 million, covers all the a-share valid accounts 42.21%, fell by 0.27%, for the lowest level this year. Come and seeA set of data, according to national statistics according to the information disclosed, 1 fixed asset investment this year 18.06 trillion yuan, representing a decline of between 1 and 0.4%. Next fixed-asset investment growth is likely to continue to slow in the industry. In addition, under the strict mortgage policy, real estate market turnover than those in the light a lot at the moment. Taking Shanghai as an example, according to mediaReports, even in the current "gold and nine silver ten" under the traditional peak season, Shanghai property market September 20 days before the trading volume hitting a nearly 5-year low. Since the money from the stock and property markets of these sensitive and physical investment, several major "containers" flowing, or into slowed, so what exactly went where? Research results from the current official or businesses, we are unable toThe answer to get an accurate and systematic. However, we can from the macro-and grass-roots level to spy the true liquidity of mysteries. International factors affecting a shares since early September, the nerve, the a-share little rally, has been downward. At present, the Shanghai composite index falling below 2,400, creates new low for the year. Current turnover is still at a low level of the two cities, investorsAlso on the need to be cautious. Analysts believe that the recent decline the adverse effects of both the domestic market, there is pressure from the international market. Last week, concluded its interest rate decisions of the Federal Reserve meeting, the Conference decided to sell short-term debt replacement in long-term bonds, the so-called "reverse action" below market expectations of quantitative easing. That investors believe that the Fed economic depressionBack before there. New York the Dow Jones industrial average falling commodity markets suffered setback, other global markets also occupied. Turmoil affects the a-share of international market trends. Meantime, domestic economic situations and policy direction was sculpted is indefinite. HSBC Holdings announced in September, China manufacturing purchasing managers ' index (PMI) initial value from the marked reduction in per cent in August from 49.4, as of August, after an unexpected rebound again declines, and is the third consecutive month below 50. This indicates that China's economy is cooling trend. Still do not see the obvious signs of relaxation of monetary policy, giving a-shares from fundamentals to capital are difficult to obtain a long and strong support. In this context, the stock market it is difficult to attract new capital, but continues to usher in a new share issue. AsFor this year's biggest IPO project, China's hydropower proposed financing alternatives on vulnerable up to more than 10 billion yuan a-share market formed a certain test. "Anemia" a-shares for blood in October is approaching, sad shareholders have not only failed to rescue messages, instead of ushering in another blockbuster bad. Weak a-shares renewed blood following China's hydropower, shares on the weekendAnnounced officially launched the return list. In addition to the plan raised totalled $ 51 billion worth of three big Mac China hydropower, coal shares in HKEx, Shan is about to adopt landing a-share IPO market, approved by the SFC on September 21 big accumulated up to the total number of listed companies raise 35 billion yuan refinancing plan, there's even included 20, dongwu securities and enterprisesDisclosure of prospectus. The Xinhua News Agency recently published article that, "a-shares for a long time ' financing light return ' feature allowing investors face a ' high risk, low yield ' plight, and in the stock market downturn was only introduced during the huge IPO seen as ' target '. The industry believes if such tendencies do not change, financiers are likely to eventually be harvested the IPO is blockedBitter fruit. ' Blood ' does not smell the dividends. "Media said billions of social security funds was given more or less into the stock market reporter was informed that more than 10 billion-social security funds has been approved by related meetings market in the near future, more or less invested in the stock market. It is reported that this sources section of the community chest, last week at present, the Fund has been allocated to the social security accounts. A source close to the social security fund management sectorBelieve that the social security funds at this time allowed to enter the market policy signal significance larger, indicating that the Government's strong confidence in future economic development. But the person did not disclose the sum of social security funds when the stock market. As of press time, the Social Security Fund Council officials have not confirmed, said "not aware of time and number of account". It is understood that the Insurance Fund since SeptemberHas started since cautious buying Fund. Beijing insurance asset management companies and investment Department told reporters that almost since the time that some insurance money purchase Fund, a rough estimate, since September of insurance funds to purchase the Fund size of about billions of dollars. Five of the lifeboat sustained liquidity strain from guess party newspaper commented, to call on suspended new sth Recent market decline,Rescue the sound goes. Meanwhile, reduce security duty calls, experts also expressed to guide investors more involved in long-term investments to cancel red profits could also consider. Furthermore, the establishment of stabilization fund, and encourages the social security fund wants to also become shareholders of hope. Responsible editor: NF050

