
others was caused by market competition behaviors monopolies

129668642083125000_61Almost annual "diesel shortage" so that the two groups bear the heavy burden of public opinion pressure at the same time, local refineries to foreground scenes. 24th 2011 gasoline and diesel fuel at the annual general meeting held in Qingdao, experts have pointed out, since the fuel prices in 2009 new regulations came into operation, Shandong smelting refining capacity by the end of 2008, the 45 million tons, rapidly rising to the present level of around 80 million tonnes, gasoline and diesel oil production from 10 million tons, up from 16 million tons, local refineries in "caught" in the fast-growing. Refining and processing capacity of rapidly rising trade interest group Vice President, thought energy Chief Zhong Jian, an analyst said the 2009 oil price managementAfter the trial, Shandong smelting refining capacity increased to 45 million tons from the current year more than 80 million tons, an increase of more than 78%. At the same time, local scale refinery is also rising.����At present, the refining capacity of over 5 million tons of local businesses diablo 3 gold, 4, 3 million tons to 5 million ton capacity of about 3 to 4. China Petroleum planningEngineer Luo Yantuo says, "Eleven-Five" during the three major groups of new refining capacity accounted for 65 per cent. 4%, local refineries oil refinery capacity faster-growing, new refining capacity accounted for as much as 34.����6%. Think energy market analyst described Zhu Jiasheng, by 2011, China a total of 114 local refinery, more than 20015 8 years.����In addition, the last two years, refining and development trend of growing on a large scale, single refinery has constantly increased, average refining capacity to 1.16 million tons/year 2011, growth in 4 years time 29%. Previously, the National Federation of the oil industry Chamber of Commerce for information about the media displays, the current local refineries in China annual refining capacity of about 1�� 300 million tons.����As processing capacity rose, local refineries is constantly increase in actual machining. Introduction to Zhong Jian diablo 3 gold, since 2008, Shandong to refining crude oil and fuel oil processing volume increased at an annual rate of 13%, national output of gasoline and diesel at the local refinery had accounted for more than 7% of the national production, 2011 local refinery yield percentage may be close to 9%.Professional analysts to journalists, at present, Shandong smelting between average monthly diesel production of 1.5 million tons to 2 million tons, gasoline production from 500,000 tonnes to 1 million tons, gasoline and diesel oil production could exceed 20 million tonnes this year than in 2008 increased by almost 1 time times. Raw material structure and gradually improve the existing, widely perceived by public opinion, insufficient refining capacity utilization and oil-sourceClose relations.����Zhong Jian, said oil is an important factor affecting refining and living conditions, but not the only factor, refining and oil source was tense, but is gradually improving. Think energy market analyst described Zhu Jiasheng, currently refining raw material circumstances although not very stable, but the situation is improving, and oil-source approaches are increasingly diversified. 2010-2011Years, the raw material composition, ratio of crude oil is about 56% than in 2009 and rose 8%, mainly refinery was in part due to the acquisition, or partnership with the State-owned enterprises.����In addition, marine heavy oil 11%, than in 2009 by 4%. Industry estimates, of roughly 32 million tons in 2011, Shandong smelting process, raw materialsIn addition to indicators of 1.8 million tons of crude oil, CNOOC also provides marine oil, CNPC and Sinopec heavy oil production and imports, as well as the local refinery crude oil from liaohe oil field, Xinjiang, procurement. Informed sources told reporters at the meeting, PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC has been working with the local refinery contact is through a variety of methods to improve local refineryShare of crude oil, an oil company has provided in the three major groups in Shandong province promised an annual 10 million tons of crude oil in refineries.����Proportion of crude oil has become a trend. Understanding the situation, seize the opportunity Zhong Jian said that global energy market, in particular general pattern is that monopoly in oil production and oil refining industry, many of them are government monopolies, for example, some countries of State-ownedOil companies and State-owned refinery; others was caused by market competition behaviors monopolies, such as the United Kingdom and the United States and the Netherlands and other countries of the oil giant.����Industry analysts believe that China's petroleum market from State monopolies to gradually open up, the market orderly competition, to a full competition and full competition in the market after market monopoly. Kincaid petrochemical, General Manager of finance Zhang KuiWide said in an interview with reporters, right to release crude oil imports in the short term is unlikely, but downstream industries such as oil products wholesale, retail release in advance, it is refining the development environment. The Commerce Department figures showed in May 2011, at the end of 2010, in oil wholesale enterprises in China, private enterprise accounted for 26. 5%; productsPrivate warehousing enterprises accounted for more than 38%, private gas station less than 43 per cent. 9%.����Private oil companies in the short term the shape of a "third world", both of private enterprise's own efforts, as well as China's economy and oil market due to large scale development opportunities. On how private oil companies bigger? Zhong Jian said domestic private oil companies toHealthy, long-term development. Private enterprise industrial structure of chain too short, incomplete, rely too much on price competition, these are private enterprise is widespread and threaten corporate survival problems in the future, efforts to improve the industry chain of private enterprises, improving the ability to resist risks, have the patience to wait and take advantage of periodic characteristics of the oil market, seek opportunities to moderate development.

