
discovery had been missing for 30

129614837397031250_465Distributed to the United States State "Apollo 17" mission a piece of Moon rock samples brought back to United States geologist and astronaut Harrison-Gly-Schmidt in the "Apollo 17" Moon rocks brought back to Earth during a mission in the United States President Bill Clinton before file found in a box of rocks, is considered since he leftOpen here, vanished from its offices in this picture you can see, Schmidt is a boulder next to collect samples of moon rocks, the moon appears on the screen in front of his car parts Sina Tech News September 26 Beijing time messages, recent United States Archives Administrator open belongs to oneBill Clinton file box, discovery had been missing for 30, from "Apollo 17" mission to Earth's Moon rock, this rock now may have been in the market value of up to $ 10 million. This valuable rocks was in 1972 after space missions to each State's 50 gift of one of the。 United States Space Agency found that these rocks were packed into a plastic container, installed in the horizontal inscribed board with recipients flag when it was sent out on, in fact their whereabouts is difficult to determine. This block is considered on the black market cost up to $ 10 million of the rocks is at least from the 1980 lost until now one file tubeActing Governor of the old file in the box to find it. Arkansas University library system Director Bobby-Roberts said, Arkansas before the archive administrator got a save file box and found this missing years of Moon rock on. Originally rock and state flags are fixed on one plaque, butLater rock off down, a plaque was placed in the wrong place. Roberts said: "this piece of Moon rock has been packed into plastic containers from a plaque fell. Archives Administrator sees it, immediately realized he really found something. "In December 1972, the" Apollo 17 "mission returnBalls 3 months later, the then United States President Richard Nixon ordered the astronauts Eugene-Moon rocks collected by the Cernan and Harrison-Schmidt to 135 foreign heads of State and the United States 50 States and provinces. Recent whereabouts has identified approximately 60, remaining are either losing or being stolen. ArkansasDavid Perot rocks in 1976 was presented to government officials, his successor, took office after this rock hung in government offices. Last year, it was found in a locked cupboard in Hawaii lost Moon rocks. From an academic point of view diablo 3 power leveling, these rocks are not lost, the Governor of Hawaii consultant says diablo 3 gold, Simply do not know their exact whereabouts. New Jersey officials said in the report earlier this year, they placed the Moon rocks in the wrong place, is being appealed to the public to provide information about its whereabouts. In the United States Space Agency retired officers, Joseph-gusaienzi in Houston under the proposal, the StateInvestigations began in January, he had spent many years before the track "Apollo 17", present whereabouts. Gusaienzi in the Forensic Department of the University of Phoenix, he often gives his students assigned tasks, so that they look for whereabouts of these rocks. These rocks were used as gifts out, they have becomeProperty of the recipient State. (Qiu ling)

