
it's really hard to believe. Zhang Tong

129668682395781250_76The Red weekly writers who the Red week: times in development and standards reduced. Three three major domestic brand frozen foods such as whole foods was just checking out excessive Staphylococcus aureus, the Ministry of health are quick-frozen flour and rice products the new national standards will be implemented, Staphylococcus aureus youbude check out becomes limited to check it out. Zhang Tong: according to this standard, excessive product was soon becomes a qualifiedProduct. The Red week: I do not understand the related Department said "new standard-setting international rules, but also taking into account national conditions" is meant. Zhang Tong: estimates are given our ability to resist HIV is getting better. The Red week: blab, certainly not what it means. Increase the power of resistance to HIV but did not enhance nobody knows, shareholders of resilience appears to beIncreased, the market just a few days, and then start a sustained decline. Zhang Tong: future direction of the market also has to draw on the international standard after the column had already been said, this rally fuse is really rally in Europe and America, recent European and American stocks, the a-share decreased followed by reasonable, judge the trend of a share's standard is still in the future stock market trends in Europe and America. RedWeek: when it comes to international standards, I came up with a popular internationally in books stock indexNakaichi ratio lower, does not mean that stocks the more secure. The Red week: why? Zhang Tong: high quality stocks will naturally be coveted, so prices will exceed the net assets per share many. Market value is lower than or close to the net assets per share of stock, stocks tend to be flawed, as merchandise sold below cost, usually belong to the "items for disposal". The RedWeek: book value stock selection methods while the popular internationally, but has not been recognized in the country because many causes of low book stocks are "items for disposal", many of which are potentially huge losses. Look at net worth is higher this year, next year, a loss and net assets declined rapidly. Tong Zhang: Yes, so book company carefully analyzed theAssets, if the enterprise book value at the same time, sustainable and stable profits can only be considered prudent investments. The Red week: it is a process of elimination, first found low book value of the company, and then scrap companies exclude assets may become in the future, then there is a decline, or even loss or potential loss factor of companies excluded, the rest of theThat can invest in a good company? Zhang Tong: would add an article to low price/earnings ratio, so even if the market continued to fall, the company's net worth is in constant high growth, such companies are usually do not have the explosive, but much more robust than an average company. The Red weekly: whether the industry is more important? Tong Zhang: Yes, for example resources monopoly of railwayIndustry was good, the guangshen railway and Daqin railway book only 0.95 times times and three times respectively. Dynamic price-earnings ratio, about 13 times times the guangshen railway, Daqin railway is about 10 times or so, very interesting. The Red week: MOR shout profit all day, right? Tong Zhang: a closer look at the reports of the two companies knew the truth.The Red week: I'll take a look at, da-Qin railway in 2009 and 2010 respectively, up to $ 7.1 billion and net profit of $ 10.4 billion, and the first three quarters of this year had reached $ 9.2 billion, it said that such a resource monopoly sectors unprofitable, it's really hard to believe. Zhang Tong: Yes, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway is the same, smaller company's share capital, net profit is also every yearOn the rise the old republic power leveling, net profit in 2009 and 2010 respectively $ 1.357 billion and $, net profit in the first three quarters of this year has reached a $ 1.492 billion, is close to level for the year 2010. The Red week: these two stocks, some of which one is better? Zhang Tong: both have their advantages and disadvantages, and lower book value and market value of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway, Current price has been below net asset, at less than net asset prices to monopoly of railway assets of such resources, in addition to the stock market seems to be impossible things. Guangshen railway the only disadvantage of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong express rail link after the opening of Guangzhou-Shenzhen section of the official swtor power leveling, Guangzhou-Shenzhen Intercity train operating company will be formed of direct competition, preliminary estimates will affect the company's 15% leftThe right profits. Compared to the da-Qin railway and guangshen railway profitability better than one, but the book above the guangshen railway. The Red week: such as the guangshen railway and Daqin railway's book low, from the industry point of view, without much risk of corporate one? Zhang Tong: now this stock and many, in fact, such ideas to think about, high speedRoad sector most book, low price/earnings ratio at the same time, the current highway more profits than the railway. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

