
Luneng several main force had to go for ideas. Due to poor past performance in the season

129667750434990392_60Report from (reporter Xiaomin Zhang) Although the teams have a holiday, but keliwushou Luneng doomed not safe. This reporter learned that yesterday, senior Shandong electric power already has asked, Luneng Club two giant Sun Guoyu, Han Gongzheng one to leave. At the same time, several main has to leave the idea of the team, and some even stated that the main force would rather go hang alternate, rather than remaining in Shandong Luneng.Yesterday a message passed from the Jinan, Shandong Luneng Club two Chiefs Sun Guoyu and Han Gongzheng are going to have a person to leave. A Shandong Luneng insiders said last night: "as Han Gongzheng Luneng worked for many years swtor credits, certainly is a matter of Shandong electric power within football circles the most understanding person, but if he can stay, ultimately depends on Shandong electric power mean at the top. "And high-level were forced to leave withoutIs, Luneng several main force had to go for ideas. Due to poor past performance in the season, eventually the player's income is greatly reduced, or even loss of nearly half the main force. And constant international has annual revenues of 5 million or 6 million, compared with Shandong Luneng players naturally some mental imbalance. It is understood that the Luneng said the main force swtor power leveling, preferring to hang big take over, rather than call Luneng main。 At the same time this reporter learned that, Luneng's first task was to finalize the foreign coach as soon as possible, and once teachers settle down, in order to make adjustments to the team one by one.

