

129838042555937500_66Basaxinshuai official agency President visit to Milan on Friday dug under Silva Yeah sporting June 10 report: Vilanova and Barcelona negotiations between senior and finally bear fruit. According to the Aspen said, the two sides have basically agreed contract than Nova. Vilanova will sign a two-year contract, although exact salary has not yet been revealed. On Monday diablo 3 power leveling, than economy of Nova aoluobitege and Vice President of the Barcelona Jaume BartomeuMeeting, when both sides will hammer out locking the contract details. The daily sports newspaper screenshots: Rosel will go to Milan city pedicle Asian gold-digging Silva on Friday local time, Bartomeu, Zubizarreta and aoluobitege have been negotiating to 23 o'clock at midnight, both sides eventually agreed contract than Nova. Than the Nova would leave early next week in Barcelona for a few days read more, so heSigning time is scheduled for next Friday. On the issue of his Deputy, serving Barcelona Scout Holti-Laura will be modified when Nova's assistant coach. Barcelona President Rosel, will leave Barcelona next Tuesday, his destination is the city of Milan. Rosel's visit, was invited by the Murdoch media group. But according to the daily sport newspaper said, RJ Russell Jacoby and GaglianiA secret meeting, which met to discuss core issues of Asia is pedicle transfer of ke-da Silva. Although Gagliani claims based sub-Diego 99%-Silva will stay in the city of Milan, RJ Russell Jacoby still willing to try in order to 1% the possibility of a hand. In terms of personnel introduction, Barcelona and Valencia failed to temporarily settled Alba, Wallen lunte had returned the President walunxiAsia, Barcelona from xihongjingji at the price of 2.5 million euros to buy back bodiya, and as it took legions of bats to much-needed back in the head. Barca b team goalkeeper Migneau, then switched when the contract expires this summer in Mallorca. The daily sports newspaper also revealed that Barca have now also joined the France lumbar discitis in battle of El Mouilah. El Mouilah was arsenal and Real MadridGoal, he prepared at the end of the European Championship this summer before deciding their own future. Javier Alejandro Mascherano playing modified after Zhongwei, Barca do need to look for a substitute for Busquets.

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