
coordinated last week TERA Power Leveling coordinated last week - YFBX

129834195721046250_39Taiwan military drills with live ammunition to spell "do not miss", Ma Ying-jeou to scrutiny. Source: Taiwan zhongxinwang, June 5, according to the Apple daily Taiwan Apple daily reported that Ma Ying-jeou re-elected after the leader of the Taiwan authorities, the day after tomorrow (7th) will be the first to Taiwan in Pingtung County chechengxiang Taiwan baolishan scrutiny of the Tri-service joint training base "drills". Gao Huazhu TERA Power Leveling, head of Taiwan's defense 4Daily morning summoned Army Chief of the General staff Lin Zhen-Yi, Commander of the armed services and operational departments of the army, asked to participate in the exercises forces to hits issues, emphasizing the training of jinshi, "even if not fake not hypocritical. "The Defense Department to verify that the combined operations, joint pipe wow power leveling, fire application and tactics as," drills "as the code performing live, live ammunition drills,Is second only to the "Han Kuang exercise" joint combat exercise. 2008 Ma Ying-jeou is elected Taiwan leader later, had at the end of the year as "drills", MA school again this time, not only was re-elected for the first time, was also a horse for the first time offered military scrutiny trip arrangements live. However, in January of last year, Ma Ying-jeou to Peng base in Pingtung army "combined with anti-Empty fire firing measuring examination ", 19 pieces missile has 6 pieces Miss or failure, horse is discontent, yesterday and explosion Taiwan Marines this year March in nine Peng base occurs CEPGL k tree missile Miss insurance fried homes, let Taiwan security sector senior worry then out status will effect horse image, Gao Huazhu yesterday requirements all forces to tried to completed speech training and the the weapons ammunition check whole, avoid occurs accident. By204 days last month village a goat in mountainous areas of urban and rural areas by the Tri-service joint exercise 95 machine gun �h play breaking the roof, Pingtung County Zeng Qionghui yesterday in Parliament a question requiring military migration, should be for the villagers to fight for the military and asked the County Cao Qihong feedback more subsidies to the villagers living in the gold should not be referred to the construction of rural places for paving the road. Cao said Rift Platinum, long-term solutionMigration is the military forces training base, withdrawal of the Hengchun peninsula. Baoli Mayor Zeng Xiuxiong said yesterday, armed forces training base is located in the village has more than 30 years, most of the villagers ' houses house walls had cracks, but the feedback from the military each year subsidy, only 10% ratio for the social welfare of villagers. Listening to Wen Maying nine the day after tomorrow to inspect the drills, the villagers to be protest petition, coordinated last week, the military andDirect feedback to the villagers of grant County Government has agreed to raise the ratio to 30%, villagers ' answer to petition for the time being. Zhang Qingtang 73 people said, his family ancestral temple walls have many cracks, suspected for many years �h strike caused waves, but has yet to grant to improve housing loss. Defense Department military spokesman Luo Shaohe said, showing the greatest sincerity of the military communicate with residents, this is the onlyJoint training base, Taiwan security, hope people appreciate. Taiwan's defense sector officers yesterday confirmed that, at the end of this month at Chiupeng implementation of integrated joint firing surface-to-air, air-to-air and other to verify that our missile defense training, are also invited to Ma Ying-jeou. () Others:

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  1. Taiwan security,Buy GW2 Gold hope people appreciate. Taiwan's defense sector officers yesterday confirmed that, at the end of this month at Chiupeng Diablo III Goldimplementation of integrated joint firing surface-to-air
