
we would be very difficult

129838042604687500_190CCTV: when facing the Chinese men's volleyball team defeated reality always has a comeback Yeah sporting June 10 report: Beijing time on June 10, the men's volleyball team of China usher in a consolation game of the Olympic Games in London the last rival Australia, final 0-3 of China men's volleyball team lost a game, while in March saw rivals London, themselves completely out of this year's Olympic Games. CCTV's Huang Zizhong comment in the competition has been wonderful, he thinks this game is not really Chinese, hope ballFans continue to support them, and said that when China men's volleyball team always has a comeback. Australia proactive, 8-6 access technology suspended Huang Zizhong says: "in commemoration of the unsuccessful match exposed the insufficient, especially on the active score is a short Board. "By virtue of serving 11-7, Zhou Jianan suspended Huang Zizhong historical memories, saying 2004 defeat UM-competition benefitsAsian deeply regrets to leave China. Pause does not change the passive situation in Zhou Jianan, behind 9-16 view my site here, Huang Zizhong comments: "speed play out, we would be very difficult, must be based on high, is the advantage in height, basic skills and ball-line with Japan and South Korea than never advantage. "Margin of both growing and eventually Australia 25-12 win firstBureau, Huang Zizhong said: "the team was upset the pins, disastrous data, this is not really a team. "China men's volleyball team made a good start in the second Council, 8-5 leading access technology suspended Huang Zizhong said Zhang lost the match play is the most stable. Yet then Australia hit a small orgasm waves, the score to 12, Huang Zizhong comments on this road"This time, Chinese men's volleyball team's return and volatility. "But it is also 16-14 temporary closure of access to technology, when Australia by virtue of when blocking scores fanchao to 21-20, Huang Zizhong laments Australia was too high. Ultimate Australia 25-20 won the second, Huang Zizhong said: "the Chinese have in fact miss London link!"Despite all the game is not over, but has overall situation, Huang Zizhong ahead also concluded:" block and active faults are the biggest gap between the two teams, the Chinese team lost the match play two or three strikes, Japan played a very high level, Puerto Rico is also remarkable, Australia our Internet advantage there. "While the third team is defeatedMountains, Huang Zizhong feeling: "believes that Shen Qiong, Yuan Zhi, and Cui Jianjun and Jiao Shuai, these veterans had lost the match should be the last Olympic Games, urge the fans continued to support the Chinese men's volleyball team, they walk in the lonely, and fans to move on, and we have to face the reality. Believes the League level, China men's volleyball team get one day, total of DongshanWhen starting. "Final Australia 25-13 took third, also earned victories to win tickets, end of the Chinese men's volleyball team lost the match all the way.

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