
amplitude of movements for the 1-1-2-1-1-1-13-14-0-8-4. Concern for the current period

129838042586250000_143[Chen Liang] shuangse Qiu 12,067th prediction: red ball good 4th 15 Shuangse Qiu Lottery 2012 period number 01, 02, 09, 26, 29, 33, blue balls for 12, ball-order 01, 26, 29, 02, 09, 33 click here, interval than for 3:0:3. Bets for the current period amounted to more than 389 million Yuan. Red ball-point movement on Sunday from last 10 weeks: 1th red ball direction 05-03-02-04-04-02-04-03-03-05, 13-4-2-4-0-2-1-5-0-8 missing value trend, amplitude of movements for the 2-3-2-1-2-0-2-2-1-0-2. This bullish on 01, 03, 01 code concern. 2nd red ball moves to 14-08-09-12-12-03-06-06-08-10, trend of missing values for 5-4-35-91-0-5-29-0-6-77, amplitude of movements for the 13-11-6-1-3-0-9-3-0-2-2. This issue concerns 03, 06, 06 code concern. 3rd red ball moves to 19-09-11-19-13-05-13-15-11-11, trend of missing values for 9-4-25-2-12-16-1-43-5-0, amplitude of movements for the 14-11-10-2-8-6-8-8-2-4-0. This issue's focus 08, 09, 08 code concern. 4th red ball moves to 24-22-21-20-19-06-20-20-12-16, trend of missing values for 1-81-4-8-12-55-2-0-32-45, amplitude of movements for the 1-1-2-1-1-1-13-14-0-8-4. Concern for the current period, 13, code focus on 15. 5th red ball moves to 28-25-26-23-20-20-24-25-14-23, trend of missing values for 2-4-6-28-27-0-33-5-185-5, amplitude of movements for the 5-4-3-1-3-3-0-4-1-11-9. This period should note that hot code, focus on 23, 25, 25 code concern. 6th red ball moves to 33-31-33-33-32-24-28-26-18-24, trend of missing values for 0-2-1-0-11-30-45-15-168-3, amplitude of movements for the 2-0-2-2-0-1-8-4-2-8-6. Concern for the current period, 32, 33 code concern. The above analysis, the Red bladder code recommendation, 08, 15, 33, 15 4th concern.Trends for Blue balls the last 10 Sunday 09-08-03-06-02-04-01-04-14-11 official site, size ratio of 3:7, odd ratio of 4:6, mass-ratio of 4: 6,012 remainder proportional to 3:3:4, 4 code for the current period concerned 03, 05, 06, 09, 1 good 06. Chen Liang shuangse Qiu 12,067thRecommendation 1: the red ball: 01, 06, 08, 09, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 23, 25, 29, 32, 33, and blue ball: 06.

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