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129731621479533750_120Click to enter the Yahoo public more content your own frozen hospital, finance reporter Edward Yu refused to be rescued by his family in zhoukou this newspaper to see the child fell into the raging river, Shenqiu County North Office Guisheng Zhang despite his aged, aged 63, decided to jump into the icy water to rescue the drowning child. The last few days, this chivalrous deed Guisheng Zhang, won the local residentsPraise. January 30, granddaughter Guisheng Zhang sent art the way remedial classes, vaguely heard someone crying for help, he ran to the sand river edge with through, finding two children struggling in the water tor pvp valor power leveling, there is one on the Bank shouted "help". Guisheng Zhang too late to think more, get rid of jackets and jumped into the River. Guisheng Zhang with a child in the river and at the same time, want to deliver them to the shoreWhen shore children reach out to Zhang Gui, but due to the steep embankment surface too slippery, this child has slipped and fell into the River. 3 child drowning in a critical situation, strength exhausted Guisheng Zhang immediately call for help. At this time, people also hear the sound of the nearby leisure scene, a man apart from anything else to jump into the water, took Guisheng Zhang hands the child, others composed of hand in hand protectionRing, rescued two drowning children out of danger. Then, Guisheng Zhang was put ashore with the help of the enthusiastic crowd. After landing, we immediately chop off children's wet clothes, towel off swtor Champion Gear Bag, nearby residents quickly brought us blankets in the House, the children warm. Guisheng Zhang and 3 after the drowning child was put ashore, will soon be sent to Shenqiu County people's Hospital. BecauseChoke after the children fell into the water, there were symptoms of pulmonary edema, followed by referral to zhoukou city hospital. Doctors in the hospital when it comes to Guisheng Zhang was sent to said: "because of their age, poor health, and spent a long time in the water, there were high blood pressure, fast heart rate, emergency room immediately organized the doctor for treatment, after intensive treatment, Guisheng Zhang signs graduallyStable. "Yesterday, reporters interviewed Guisheng Zhang of the body has not been recovered. Guisheng Zhang said: "when I save I don't care that much, just know what more than 60 years old, even if the life-for life, I would also like to Waer's life in return. "Guisheng Zhang after hospitalization, drowning the children's parents went to the hospital, give him on nutrition and 1000 dollars, but was declined. “That's a brave man, in the face of death with no ambiguities of sth "local residents know Guisheng Zhang after the deeds of courage saved drowning children, laments," it is so cold diablo 3 gold, this man simply pulled back on the drowning child from starvation, this brave act for a spirit should be commended. "Reporters interview at the end, Guisheng Zhang lying in bed old man eyes keep a pity,That was with him in the water to save the boys quietly leave after the child safe, not even a name left. Related reading girls night tiaohe save the drowning boy 16 years old college student jumping glacial Lake saved drowning children who train hard swim 6 years old boy was rescued from drowning drowning companions returned home by the age of 11 his mother kick saved drowning children in university students sliding into the ice ageDeclined 5,000 gratuity of six-year-old girl fell into the three join forces to save three people a total of 230 for the elderly (picture) many students across accidentally fell into the nearby village of collective rescue (Editor: Song Yuxin)

