
the old republic Mercenary Commendation power leveling Information - SHM

129731262622197977_33Information: Russia SS-19 ICBM launch.  Zhongxinwang 6th swtor Champion Gear Bag, February 6, according to Russia's new network star wars the old republic pvp valor power leveling, Russia Antonov, Deputy Defense Minister in an interview said that due to the new challenges posed by nuclear proliferation, Russia may not be reduced in the future the old republic Mercenary Commendation power leveling, but will be forced to increase nuclear weapon. Antonov said: "the new challenges constantly emerge, including missileAnd the challenge of nuclear proliferation. Look at how unstable the situation in the Middle East, Russia provided in individual cases may use military doctrine of nuclear weapons. I do not rule out the trend of nuclear weapons does not reduce, but will increase in the future. "Antonov think talk about denuclearization of the world too soon.  He pointed out that at present the concept of nuclear deterrence is required. Antonov furtherPoints out that: "China's leaders work on trust, mutual respect and partnership for development on the basis of the principles of building a relationship. But our nuclear shield should always be prepared to react to threat may come from a third country. Of course, life without nuclear weapons is very good, but promote the denuclearization of the world need step by step, create the conditions for this. "Turning to Russia was the mainWhen he mentioned the issue of the missile defense system, and that is the United States in increasing the potential ABM. Antonov also confirmed that Russia and the United States ABM negotiations had reached an impasse. He said that United States cooperation does not recommend any specific, Russia the possibility of missile defense system in Europe "is not even discussed."

