
the old republic Mercenary Commendation power leveling that the global network should be "clear - Y

129733877417033750_210"For the implementation of the regulations on the management of development of micro-blogging in Beijing requested, mobile microblogging real authentication services will be introduced in the near future, please login before you on March 16, weibo.10086.CN certification.   "This is one of many mobile phone users in a text message received on February 7. On that day, in the morning, head of network management office in Beijing in implementingRegulations on the management of the development of micro-blogging in Beijing told a seminar, March 16, Beijing the microblogging site to complete a specification for user identity information to register.   Not true identity through the information than the user will not be able to in speaking on Twitter, reprint, browsing related content.   Twitter real name into the "Countdown". This is a spontaneousCloth thrown about and even many controversial provisions.   Q1, how the current progress?   Since then, as of December 22, Tencent Guangzhou and Shenzhen 7 microblogging site has implemented the user identity information to register. As of now, SINA has accumulated 3 million new registered users identity information than the right, old user authentication in micro-Bo Hall of up to 400,000, Tweets up to over 5 million. Sohu celebrities and high end users to complete the certification. NetEase users real-name authentication rate was more than 25%.   Provided after the release of new registered users of Tencent microblogging are complete real identity. How does Twitter identity certification? According to NetEase weibo introduction the old republic Warzone Commendation power leveling, real name and ID card number entered by the user, by checkingTest matches will be able to complete the certification.   Background is the Twitter authentication system by the Ministry of public security at (citizen's identity card number query service center) test of authenticity. Official Twitter for enterprises and institutions, at the beginning of the registration has already provided proof of business license.   New enterprise microblogging and institutions will continue to be used this way. At present, the microblogging site hasQuite a number of overseas users, and they do not have ID cards.   For these users, NetEase said, will provide a dedicated channel, through the Organization of special offline communications, verify the user information, at present work is in preparation. In fact, in order to encourage users to active certification, the site also launched a series of incentives. Sohu Twitter launched "the first true identityCertification "campaign, with $ 20 million monthly Sohu video card and mobile phone recharge cards as a reward of $ 1 million.   NetEase weibo to active certification order made by the users the old republic Mercenary Commendation power leveling, get featured, such as NetEase. "For purification purpose real-name system proposed by the network environment in China with reference to international practices, adapted to the current reality of China network. "The Chinese Academy of social sciences, journalism and mass transferSowing, Director of Institute of communication, Associate Professor Jiang Fei said.   Q2, real name would cause do Twitter development slow? On December 16, 2011, the "micro-blogging platform for the first" shares of Sina or 11%. On February 7 of this year, shares of Sina or 6.72%. A voice said, shares of SINA's decline may be related to real-name rulesRegulatory risk worries about.   Of course, a view that is not the case, on the ground that after the 16th, a sharp rally in shares of Sina.   Responsible person of the Tencent microblogging also said in an interview, the real name will not be much impact on the development of micro-Bo. "Really depends on the policy ground of the real-name system on the Internet. Implementation of the real-name systemWill become an important measure affecting the future development of the industry. "Dong Xu, analyst at Analysys International said," while Twitter real name may have a certain impact on user activity, but in the long run, is conducive to increasing the value and the user tweets media marketing discipline. "Hu Yan-ping, President of DCCI data center on the Internet says Twitter real name is through electronicBusiness opportunity, "from the development trend of e-commerce considerations, real authentication to enhance Internet users trust and reduce communication costs, increase efficiency, and promote the development of the industry as a whole.   "Of course, based on micro-Bo" zombie powder "and microblogging phenomena such as speculation, will be the big hit. Many netizens believe that Twitter real name is validReduce the "zombie powder" and the network of navel, kill bad Twitter marketing campaign, shaping the health network of eco-friendly environment. "Under the" navel "" vest "only stared share a" Netizen "maverick", "obscene pornography, lie, framing others ' identity, impersonate others, action will also be reduced. "" The development of the Internet itself isProcess of a real name. "Internet lab Chairman Fang xingdong said," from the forums, portals, blogs, Twitter, and social networking sites, networks are increasingly in conjunction with the true identity of Internet users.   "Q3, security and freedom of expression to protect your personal information? "Microblogging can ensure personal privacy is compromised and not use the real name? "Many netizensAfter the real-name system expressed concern about the security of personal information.   Korea information leakage, and massive user account disclosure is in China at the end of last year a lot of people quite worried about this. "Korea's lesson, the problem is not in the real-name system itself, but site information left on the site, such as identity cards. "Fang xingdong said," the website just as a validation of a portal, reallySensitive information can be by a Government with credibility and authority to verify. "Jiang Fei also stressed that" avoid users personal information on the Web is a large quantity of stolen or leaked, not a verbal guarantee issue, but need technical and feasibility studies, and to come up with conclusive evidence. "In this regard, NetEase weibo, user authentication information is not retained does not save, only forTrue than to verify authentication information. "We just authentication channel.   "Such as Sohu, Tencent microblogging platform, micro-blogging platform does not retain user any real information, avoiding disclosure of user information. "Do we dare to casually say? Freedom of speech also do you have a guarantee? "Microblogging for the vast number of grass-roots provide a sound platform, implementation of the real-name system does notUsers worried about less is not free speech. Jiang Fei with respect, some revealing the real social problems of people, may be due to "accountability" rather than statements. Microblogging grassroots, fast and interactive nature of the benign mechanism of constraint would be the greatest play, people's voice will become more diverse and realistic. Sense of responsibility, awareness of social morality and rights awareness will be a huge leap forward.School of journalism and communication, Tsinghua University, says Professor Guo Qingguang, real name, in the background the foreground can be provided anonymously, has taken into account public opinion and the real-name system don't hurt Twitter's oversight function. But he also stressed, must be very strict personal information protection in the background, with the exception of necessary institutions, such as courts, in cases when access to these information, it generally has nothing to do with thisIndividuals or bodies corporate have the right to get to know. "The requirements should be further strengthened to protect personal information to the relevant provisions.   "He suggested.   Q4, how to push forward after the real name?   Twitter the real-name system for information security, Government, management, micro-Bo carriers poses a great challenge. "Follow-up of the management mechanisms may have sophisticated than earlyMany. "People's public opinion examination room Dan Xuegang, Deputy Secretary General, said," If you want to manage Twitter, need to concern the whole society.   "Operators how to achieve sustainable and healthy development for micro-Bo, Dong Xu believed that should constantly develop new products and improve existing services, and increase user acceptance. "To a gradual acceptance process, make Twitter the real-name system for softLanding ", said Jiang Fei, if Twitter 's" self cleaning mechanism "is not to establish a sense of responsibility and self-discipline consciousness of Internet users, through construction to achieve the objectives of the external mechanism is understandable and acceptable.   Self-discipline, after all, is at the heart of network management, when the future of self-discipline consciousness is strong enough, you no longer need an excess of external management. Guo Qingguang, as Internet usersImproving the quality of, the idea of social responsibility, responsibility for their dissemination will gradually form, management or policy may be adjusted. Fang xingdong, if we can take this social, Government, tripartite consultation mechanisms established in the industry, this is of greater long-term significance for the development of the Internet in China. "N-links to other countriesBy United States: the world's largest social networking site "Facebook" and Internet giant Google launched the new "Google +" social networking service, is the real-name system, strictly enforced. United Kingdom: on August 29, 2011, United Kingdom Government consider Twitter real name social networking. According to a report in the New York Times, Twitter real name is the United Kingdom GovernmentGovernment House after soliciting public opinion on how to control social network crime, raise from the proposal.   Germany: the Government does not require implementation of the real-name system management social networking sites such as Twitter, but Germany Hans-bide·fulidelixi, Minister of the Interior has proposed "network real name" scenario diablo iii gold, that the global network should be "clear, authentic and reliable." Korea: Korea is the firstEnforcement of network real name of country.   But because of the massive information disclosure issue, will likely cancel the measures of 5 years.   Japan: Japan has not relies on executive powers to implement network decision of the real-name system, but through the real-name registration record IP addresses and mobile phones etc, de facto network real name in Japan has quietly spread. (Ban Juan chuan finishing)

