
diablo 3 gold the whole team together and get the feel of the people - KMY

129773214987500000_70A Ed prayer can change the final course of Li Yuanyu before the match for 5 minutes 111:93, Guangdong Hongyuan team finally struggling to obtain the CBA finals, and the first victory of the season, gross position score near to 1:2. However, next to Guangdong team to Beijing to play two consecutive away, only win at least one game, could only be back to the finals again in Dongguan. And never has 0:2 backward in the history of the team winning the Championship, "we fight soYears of finals, faced with too many competitors, many things are starting from scratch. "The Guangdong team coach Li Chunjiang said," Guangdong Hongyuan team has created many miracles, I hope this time also can work wonders. "Not out of the critical stage Li Chunjiang dropped a word: everything is from scratch. 0:2 scores, he is behind, never teamCan win back. The next two consecutive away in Beijing, Guangdong is still very dangerous. When the opponent when you have players like Marbury and Morris, lead how many points are you afraid to relax. This is obviously different from Guangdong team habits of the past play, they are so used to lead start to relax after the game rhythm, is very large. Marbury threw 4 consecutive 4th section 3Ball, the audience vote in 7 of 10 3-ball, cut a total of 39 points. ' Total score means, and is surprisingly stable. Last, after his former section 3 is focused on prevention, 4th Canton team, is still able to find defensive gaps. So it is with this game, when Zhou Peng end after Marbury found defenders before becoming the Brookes and began usingHeight fling 3-balls. His ability to read the defense, the CBA are masters level. Past lead 10 minutes into the 4th section, Dongguan Stadium fans have begun celebrating victory, but they are the same was Marbury was shocked. Marbury gaoming is not just playing, his opponent's mental grasp is also very accurate. 1th, his success angered a wideEast players, they are focused on the competition. 2nd, he captured the rival Flash which let up, recovered to score quickly. The field, he also knows he can't make the Guangdong team to continue expansion of the score, when a crash is hard to regain their confidence back after the match, he began to put pressure on the 4th section. Despite playing in 10 finals, but Guangdong team to face the opponent doesFor the first time. As their first Dolby that crazy shot last year, started the same helpless, but last year the Guangdong team has been adapting in the later game, way to look for defensive Dolby, tilting pan until success. Perhaps because of the past have had experience of this constant adjustment, Li Chunjiang dare hope for miracles, but anyway, and MarburyOpponents of competitions, great help to young people in Guangdong. This is ' bring new elements to the finals, not only on the skills challenge you, all kinds of psychological pressure would come only crossed the threshold of Guangdong, Beijing will have to wonder. Li Yuanyu ext 21 years old "Ed" bear not only the phone the first miracle of the night belongs toLi Yuanyu. Who could want is Li Yuanyu has changed the game? This prayer can be 5 minutes per game to play, the team was nicknamed "big bear" small 21 years old, he was the most famous mobile phones in the team, got him for the screen of the mobile phone, the whole team, but he did not see themselves as on the pitch, "sauce" person, 23 minutes, 12Min Li Yuanyu's stunning performance has changed the game. Li Yuanyu play is a type of accident, 1th section when there are 6 minutes, Dong Hanlin had 3 fouls, Li Chunjiang Li Yuanyu on. Li Yuanyu on the rest of time, become the object of fans cheered several times. It was his last season into a team, enjoy this kind of treatment for the first time. 3rd last paragraph of the section, GuangdongTeam-leading 16 points leading to only 5 min, Li Yuanyu twice attacked the basket from succeeding, 79:70, Guangdong team lead is locked. The General stadium is less than 6 minutes of play small changed all of a sudden the man of the match. "(Before the game) preparations is certainly yes, before the game, the coach told me to let me play. "Li Yuanyu revealed. He sat outCoach set a bold decision, but the whole team is gains a surprise. "10 (ball) hit 5, there are two well into the first half diablo 3 gold, (he) didn't play the final, looked a bit nervous. "Li Chunjiang evaluation after the game," but he really can be. Li Yuanyu is a young player, but very good, hope he played better, our team will giveYoung player plenty of room and opportunity, as a coach, want them to try to play good matches. "" This is a change. The previous two we hit too low under the basket, this time Li Yuanyu is very good, although some of the ball under the basket didn't, but his hold, preserve the confidence, in the second half of the play very well. "Captain Zhu fangyu Li YuanyuGenerous praise. Li Yuanyu 2nd May is the greatest reward of Guangdong team finals this year. 26 points, 5 rebounds interpretation MVP spirit "three"-is finally back! He appears to have been very slow, but he still ran and ran hard in. The 4th Festival, Beijing Hsueh-Lin Lee ball fast break, Zhu Fang rain was the only person to spell backwards as humanly possible, anTake off the ball on the rebound. 26 points, 5 rebounds are not sufficient to prove that the MVP (most valuable player) of the powerful, he can always stir up team morale. Li Xuelin "cap" before, Zhu fangyu laughs his way to midfield, with Brooks said a few words. He is the most capable for relaxation, excitement, the whole team together and get the feel of the people, Zhu Fang rain finally foundThemselves. "Regardless of which player is, I told him that, 0:2 left behind is very difficult for us, but we don't give up, we will also have the opportunity swtor credits, as long as we do ourselves, changes committed errors on the field, I detail, at the same time the most important thing is we have to trust each other, and to encourage each other. No matter what team-mates made an error, we must believe him,Do not complain, even if inside your heart (emotion), or to hold back, a word not to say it, but have to say it was good next time, give him confidence, so that everyone's morale high. "Zhu Fang rain finally began to play the role of leader," we lead the 3rd section 17, and then recovered to five or six points, but we insist on our defence, attack when we lostGood time, we are not to blame any players, we encourage each other, each step of the next. Including two foreign aid, very strong confidence, because we did not complain to him, did not say a Word. The younger Bush was such that after opportunity, he played very strongly. His failures on no more than a field, and many opportunities for team-mate, was ' the teams ' play. "Zhu Fang YuPlayed 44 minutes, the most rare is, his hand had come back. Two ball-5 4, 3 balls-8 4, free throw penalty 6 8, Zhu fangyu finally brought the whole team, Guangdong team 3-ball hit rate up to 46% in this field. "This two-day sums up two points, we don't have enough inner destruction, the Beijing team for our defense tighter, so the first two games, IAnd Wang shipeng, and the younger Bush is difficult to space shot, was not very comfortable relaxed, played very hard, attack hits is very low. This time, although the first half didn't play the ball under the basket diablo 3 gold, but we encourage him, pass the ball under the basket out of the opportunity to call them, they'll enter. "Zhu fangyu said. And is also a key player in Guangdong have not found status, Wang shipengRace 5 cast in 0, one did not have to. Back again, maybe the MVP have started to find their own. Canton home, welcomed the vote total to pull into a 1-2, back of your competition? Continuous pull win 3 three Beijing-Guangdong 2 Home 4-1 won two team strength doesn't matter quite unpredictable, games look on the lineView the results Others:

