
diablo 3 gold you can grasp the range of 1.32-1.33 - IIH

129773214432968750_228Friday of the United States housing market data raised market on United States economic growth to reverse the question, which in turn has led to the loss of $ has maintained the strong position last week. But there is still a support, because of United States economic prospects continued to improve, with European countries in the downturn or recession struggles in stark contrast, major currencies this week, still in their recent trading range, due to the economic situationMixed, in the United States before April employment data release, the coming weeks market will remain sluggish, employment data will provide investors with United States labor market conditions become clearer clues. The euro against the US dollar climbed to a three-week high on Friday, ends 3rd and even dropped, while the Australian dollar in the near term after the collapse of stability, because before investors to China and the decline in euro-zone economic worries eased. CityFocus may turn to Europe, Germany to announce economic data, Italy and Spain will be available at public debt, and European Finance Ministers meeting.����Euro-diplomat said Friday that euro-zone finance ministers in Copenhagen next week could total about 700 billion euros of bailout funds closer to agreeing, not more large expectations. From France's good news also for the euroConstitute a boost, data showed March France business confidence index sharply higher, France the Census and Statistics Department on Thursday evening also raised its forecast for France economic growth expected, showing France will not fall into recession this year.����Eurozone Rescue Fund to expand may help calm market, Portugal, and Italy and Spain there are still difficulties, euro-zone also has a reliable firewall. ItalianLi Mongolian Prime Minister dike Saturday expressed on Spain concerns public finances, says it's easy to make the eurozone debt crisis renewed, and spread to Italy. Mongolian dike in a meeting talking about Italy when new measures for labour market reforms, the Government, praised Spain's efforts to reform the job market, but said Spain in budgetary control slow. Last month diablo 3 gold, Spain failed to reach the 2011Budget deficit target, which make the market feel dismay, after a few days the country for 2012 goal of a degree of difficulty can be mitigated.����Any new outbreak of euro-zone debt crisis, he added swtor credits, could be wiped out Italy's progress, and will be back to the situation a few months ago. Euro at the beginning of the Asian plate hold rally in overseas markets, but in Spain and ItalyAuction before the bonds and euro-zone Finance Ministers meeting later this week, will suffer a downward pressure. Prior to ease Europe debt situation for some time again in the last week seem to show signs of troubling, pointed out that in view of the market from Europe this week will publish a series of key economic data, coupled with Western and other countries will be available at national debt and, in addition, will also convene meetings of eurozone finance ministers over the weekend, this week's market focusPoints or return to Europe.����Ifo data were forecast over the next few months, Germany's key economic barometer of economic development, and Germany and within the euro zone's largest economy, so if the data were better than expected, is expected to promote a stronger euro. Will announce this week of Germany consumer price index and France GDP the euro zone data is protected by the investors. Since the European Central BankAt the end of December last year and February this year after two long-term refinancing operation, Spain, and Italy, appear more substantial fall in bond yields, which lifted above the default alert within a certain period.����But in the last week, both Treasury yields rise again. While Italy is seeking in the bond market to raise money for up to 7.5 billion euros, is currently on the fiscal deficitFears of the political status of the eurozone bonds under pressure again in second-tier countries. Euro-zone Finance Ministers scheduled for March 30-31st. This meeting will take place in Denmark Copenhagen, while raising the firewall of the eurozone will be the main topic of the meeting. In promoting Greece after debt restructuring, euro-zone Governments are trying to establish a financial firewall powerful enough to defend the WestBan Ya tera power leveling, and Portugal, and other vulnerable economies from the debt crisis spreading further. Analysis of major currencies: EUR/USD: euro-dollar General to volatile last week, after rising on Friday at present holding gains, but also in relatively critical position, Euro series of risk event this week and weekend of euro-zone leadersOn the guidelines that may provide further direction to the euro. Euro again on the technical challenges of 1.33 an important resistance level, if effective breakthrough and rose under the euro if the risk event to promote, the euro against the US dollar will have a chance to test 1.335. Today on deal, you can grasp the range of 1.32-1.33, 1.33 firm is establishedOpportunities and to follow up the results. Australian dollar: the Australian dollar against the US dollar after a $ under the influence of China reduced China's economic growth is expected once the weak, gradually digesting the bad start to stabilise after the market, the Australian dollar against the US dollar from last week and after two month low 1.0336, $ 1.0456 stop, at Friday 1.0475. Difficulties rose in early trading today, because of debt in European countries and the European Union before the meeting, on global growth concerns pressured the risk assets. A $ 1.05 location exists on the short-term technical resistance, resistance on every high short position, 1.035 support concern. Others:

