
diablo 3 power leveling wide coverage - WNG

129773160543125000_206Improving the rural financial service system should be multi-level, wide coverage, continued this year, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of the State Council in the Government work report stressed the need to "push forward the State-owned holding of large financial institutions, standard development of small financial institutions, sound service small micro-enterprises and, Established a perfect system of mechanism, should be resolved "farmer" crux of the loan. In recent years, with the States for financial support in rural areas continued to increase, financial services "three agriculture" level has improved significantly, but due to various reasons, inadequate supply of financial services in rural areas, sustainable development is not strong, "farmer" still do not effectively meet financial needs.Especially in remote areas, rural financial marginalization, low coverage of rural financial institutions, insufficient competition, farmers without access to GSP finance services, rural areas cannot be rational and effective allocation of financial resources. According to the China Banking Regulatory Commission statistics, as of 2011, 1696 in villages and towns throughout the country there is no existence of any financial institution, and these towns, most of them concentrated in the MidwestIn less developed regions. "Three agriculture" problems concerning people's livelihood. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, the basis is not strong, sustained economic development. Despite the Government's funding for agriculture is increasing every year, but still hard to meet the needs of agricultural development on a large scale. Many agricultural enterprises and peasant households often only through the civil development of micro-credit or loan sharks to get needed funds, with high interest rates, windInsurance, a difficult process, to some extent restricted the development of modern agriculture on a large scale. According to the latest statistics of the CBRC, to the end of 2011, Bank of China (601,988 tera gold, market information, the major trading) agricultural loans to financial institutions for $ 14.6 trillion, representing a growth of $ 2.7 trillion, compared to the same period growth 24.9%, Is higher than the average growth rate of 8.8%. Big increase in agricultural lending and rural coexistence of financial difficulties, that "farmers" amount of financial supply and structure are out of the question. "Three agriculture" loan is multifaceted, large outflows of funds in rural areas and a lot of demand for funds the construction of new rural contradictions; mortgage guarantee threshold high, many "three rural" customersIt is difficult to meet loan conditions; difficult credit environment, resulting in increase in banks ' bad loans, financial institutions fear of advancing mental exacerbating "three agricultural" loans. In addition, in line with the "three rural" single, loan approval on demand financial links and handling more cumbersome, to farmers to apply for loans involved. How to solve "three rural" loans? Experts concerned in the industry and the road toOut has many solution of good, as led to farmers assets can circulation and mortgage, to solution "three agricultural" loan mortgage guarantees problem; introduced support policy, reduced bank credit risk; established tiny enterprise and agricultural loan guarantees company diablo 3 power leveling, for tiny enterprise and "three agricultural" provides loan guarantees; moderate relax on issued tiny enterprise and "three agricultural" Loan Bank of loan ratio of control and so on�� We believe that improving the rural financial service system, is multi-level and broad coverage, should be sustainable. Building a sustainable system of rural financial services, Government, banking regulators and the banking industry's efforts, taking a variety of measures. "Sit and prattle about the general principle than", currently the most urgent is to speed up the introduction of support to address "three agricultural" loans difficult politicalPolicy, and will address the "three agricultural" loans difficult policies to the letter, "farmer" loan no longer a social focus and hot spot. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description tera power leveling, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

