
tera power leveling - AOH

129770868849375000_23The green spots that have come out from the background, because the star is very low tera gold, and its surface temperature is only at room temperature so high, temperature lower than human blood. It is located in Lyra. 2010 blue spots around stars, and galaxies drawn higher sensitivity than the task predecessors across the night sky, caught 560 million stars, andAsteroids and Galaxy. More than 2.7 million images collected from the infrared wavelength range "wide-area infrared detector" task tear caught a supernova of CAs in a distant galaxy: the picture Center shock of bright dust cloud is through interstellar space, it will heat all the way dust. The running speed of the shock wave, the average speed is about 11,000 per secondMiles (17,700 km). To the telescope the figure of the time, the explosive shock wave has left the original point about 21 light years Sina Tech News Beijing time on March 24, according to foreign media reports, the United States Space Agency at a cost of 200 million pounds (US $ 314 million) of the space telescope has discovered a star's surface temperature lower than human bodyOnly 25 degrees Celsius, which is about room temperature.����Ever found outside the solar system that is the lowest temperature "brown dwarfs". As with other brown dwarf, it collapse under its own weight, resulting in a density before a large ball of gas, just like a star. But it's not like a star, because it was not "light" himself. It is different from stars,Atomic fusion not enough quality to make the kernel and therefore cannot be of a solid and lasting shine. Since 1995 first discovered brown dwarfs, astronomers have been trying to find the coldest brown dwarfs the new record-holder, the celestial bodies were considered an important laboratory, it helps people better understand how temperature and atmosphere of Earth-like extrasolar planets. "Wide-area infrared analysisMeasuring equipment "(WISE) telescope of highly sensitive infrared detectors in the sky for a period of two years during the scan, issued by the weak light to capture the celestial bodies. The telescope captured 2.7 million throughout the night around us were spliced together, made an incredible "Atlas of the sky (Sky Atlas)" tera power leveling, the telescope has also collected from the coldCold, dusty galaxies to the tiny details of distant stars. To see 500 million stars from this image, the figure shows each part can be seen in the night sky from the Earth, to take the figure of high-tech infrared equipment, to capture a lot of other telescopes can't see far away objects full of dust. United States University of California, Los Angeles "wide RedOuter detector "(WISE) of Chief Research Officer-Edward Wright started in 1998 to undertake this task together with the other members, he said:" today the ' wide-area infrared detectors ' 14 years it gained great successes to the literary world. "" Wide-area infrared detectors "at a cost of 200 million pounds (US $ 314 million) infrared telescope since 200Launched 9 years, have been deployed in space in some of the most sophisticated cameras scanned the entire universe.����End of this picture is to use the telescope to 18,000 pictures of mosaics. In 2010 tera gold, "wide-area infrared detector" drawn by higher sensitivity than predecessors throughout the night. Out of the 4-band infra-red film for more than 2700,000 pictures, captures everything from nearby asteroids to distant galaxies. Since then, the research group has processed more than 15 trillion bytes returned in data. Earlier announced the "wide-area infrared detector" data (including data obtained on the first half of the night sky observing) was produced in April of last year. Institute of technology in Pasadena, California Center for infrared analysis and processing,Responsible for "wide-area infrared detector" data processing and archiving of the Baroque-Couterie said: "by publishing a full list and Atlas of the night sky, the telescope successfully join the great Temple of night sky observation, such observations have given many extraordinary discoveries about the universe. See science and education to innovative methods of using ' wide-area infrared detectors ' for research, will be aExciting and worthwhile things. "The (Qiu ling) Others:

