
tera power leveling international brands are starting to "settlement" - HRK

129773822105000000_89Will Jordan "Jordan", which United States basketball stars and sports goods enterprises in China "name" battle outcomes are difficult to suppose, but behind the dissemination of commercial smoke taste matters of conjecture. Brutal competition, how local companies can come to the fore?  About this extensively discussed. Director tera gold, Center of State Sport General Administration, China sporting goods Federation Secretary General Ma JilongSaid in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency reporter a few days ago, international brands such as Nike tera power leveling, adidas, monopoly patterns have been broken for first-tier cities in China, Chinese and foreign brands will be scrambling for sporting goods market cake, based in key to strengthening local companies if you want to brand-building. The past, locked high-end international brands such as Nike, adidas customer strategy, primarily aim at CityCity of Anta sports products and many other domestic manufacturers are using "countryside surrounding cities" strategy, from the attack on the city two or three lines and even four-city, rapid market share growth. "International brands of monopoly city structure has been broken," Ma Jilong, for example, is China's leading sporting goods enterprises in Guangzhou Anta sales best sales roughly it always dishesOne-fourth, their share of the market mainly come from Guangzhou and other major cities.  In the area, to say the least Anta and international brands were evenly matched. In his view, first-tier cities in China's market is huge, domestic companies have realized that the cake must not, therefore, they have to find ways to squeeze into the top end of the market. Beijing, Shanghai and other places everywhere, shopping mallDeputy Li Ning, Anta brand dealership.  "Taking into account market needs, brand value in the building-up of local companies, not like a light before thinking about how to get more people to sell goods, more and more domestic enterprises to enter the first-tier cities exhibition and one of the main purposes is to shape the brand," said Ma Jilong. At the end of 2011, China sports industry output value of more than more than 2,220Billion yuan, with a dominance of the sporting goods industry, accounts for more than 80%, and the garment industry is one of the fastest growing areas in the sporting goods industry. Ma Jilong told reporters that nearly 10 years, local sport costume supplies companies grew particularly rapidly, such as on the end of the century only had assets of more than 100 million Yuan tera gold, has now reached 90duogeyi. "Sports in ChinaCakes in the market will make a big, "said Ma Jilong, however, as domestic and foreign brand strength increasingly balanced, market competition will become more intense. In addition to outside attack on local companies, international brands are starting to "settlement", and seize the low-end market. For example, he said, after 2008, proposed by some international brands to the three-city development, 2009 adidas even madeChinese companies want to "seven" urban development line. "For some time to come, will maintain relatively fast development of domestic brands, and international brand competition the price advantage.  "Ma Jilong believes that with the increase of domestic brands, level of technology, materials and international brands gap, coupled with low prices, perhaps in line with consumer demand for more Chinese. NotAnd he stressed: "international brand market is under threat, but not squeezed out of the Chinese market.  "International brand infiltration, Ma Jilong believes that while local companies in capturing market share, if you want to make dynamic stretches in every direction of enterprise development, it is necessary to learn from brand-building strong international brands, continually cultivating enterprises" brand "the main lifeline. Nike andDidas and many other international brands are accustomed to higher-end line, usually relying on techniques of high quality production services and advanced materials for the famous elite athletes, halo effect causing consumers psychological to attract "fans" Love me, love my dog. Ma Jilong said, excellent lines of high-end materials supply, are common, these are not international patents of big brands. The past, China's domestic enterprisesIn pursuit of low cost and lower quality, this old idea needs a breakthrough. Brand building is the soul of "culture". Ma Jilong suggested that domestic enterprises should draw on the experience of international brands, publicity and promotion, through methods such as to tell the story about dreams, and inspirational, for its products make exclusive culture, "culture card" obtained the favor of consumers. Others:

