
tera gold without - FXG

129784668240522500_443"Stop oil" the anti-monopoly law inquiries The 13th article of anti-monopoly law prohibited boycott deals with competing operators; 17th rules prohibit the operator has a dominant position in the market without good reason refused to deal with the trading party. According to a report in the economic daily news, 2011 taste to reduce wholesale to increase retail profits "sweet spot" post, petrochemical dual male this year orWill stop further expanded to private gas stations and intermediate trader wholesale products. If, as an ordinary business, optimize the structure of management, change management strategy, the pursuit of maximum profits, is the nature of the enterprise, this criticism. However, was State policy occupies absolute domination and monopoly of the domestic fuel market petrochemical double-hung, "stop oil products"This move obviously cannot as a general optimization of enterprise management structure of simple and treat, and the consequences of such a move and motive must not simply explained by wholesale profits of $ 300 per tonne. As we all know, PetroChina, Sinopec's dominance in the domestic oil and gas market for everyone to see, oil production, import, processing, wholesale, retail and other links will undoubtedly occupy an absoluteStrong dominant position, with absolute life and death power over private, such as gas stations, tinggong, limited to just twist, the means and reasons for mouth is. Moreover tera gold, rely on the absolute position, the "two barrels of oil" manipulating the supply of domestic oil products market, also affect oil and gas prices have always been criticized for. In other words, any policy of PetroChina, Sinopec, any management behaviorAdjustments are dependent on State support policies, a monopoly on oil, "quasi monopolies" in nature. In the current source does not have a valid private oil and gas release, and under the premise of improving, "two barrels of oil" is also a social private oil and gas sites when major oil suppliers, "two barrels of oil" limit (without) refined oil products wholesale business to private gas stations, is tantamount to the cauldron at the end ofPay scale. PetroChina, Sinopec, this means that the weak opponent in competition with yourself--private filling stations to further reduce oil sources, further reducing their competitiveness or even disappear; private gas stations, survival is a problem, how to market competitiveness? Therefore, if the "two barrels of oil," the "stop oil only" real, not general market businessAdjusting the management structure of painting an equals sign, but to maintain high vigilance, relevant departments and even immediate release, and to take the necessary measures to intervene. Chinese anti-monopoly law 13th article prohibited boycott deals with competing operators; 17th rules prohibit the operator has a dominant position in the market without good reason, refuse and trading partyTransaction. Thus, PetroChina, Sinopec has a quasi-market competition on the premise of no reasonable grounds, by discussing joint to a private gas station "stop oil" methods tera power leveling, does not comply with the antitrust laws tera gold, suspected of abuse of dominant position in the domestic fuel market is absolutely. And deepen the reform of market economy in China, form a fully competitive, reasonable health cityField operation of construction target poles apart. Anti-monopoly sector should increase the intensity of law enforcement departments concerned in particular, timely investigation and rectification of this behavior. In the long run, as soon as possible or do you want to break the current "two barrels of oil" on domestic oil and gas market monopoly, allowing more private capital market, foreign companies entering the domestic oil products wholesale and retail management, sufficient competition in the market, with competitionStraighten out the order in the domestic oil and gas prices. Yu Minghui (Henan staff) Others:

