
tera gold Shanghai - KZY

129784668148803750_207Christian Democratic offering one-way 20 billion of the Fund was the huge losses of 500 billion question --Public-fund mode of operation under the huge losses and then questioned by end of March, domestic funds industry annual report announced, 2011 64 public placement fund company investment loss $ 500.4 billion; however, is in stark contrast with it, not only fund companies to ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain, funds of companies, banks and securities companies "charges Union" in the interest of the operations of the Fund on a one-way bet chainSurface: annual report, "charges Union" a measly $ 39 billion last year. Data correspond to the facts, the Christian Democratic nerve stimulation at the same time, once again on the public placement fund investment, sales and charge rates, mode of operation proposed questioned. 64 public received $ 28.8 billion in fees last year although the overall stock market downturn last year, but in a bear market, losses to the suffering of the Christian Democratic andManagement fees to fund the company's glamorous form a great contrast. Relying on asset 0.6%~1.5% made that year, ranging from management fees, 64 funds easily charge a management fee of $ 28.8 billion, last year. Fund company as a non-listed company, itself does not itself open the relevant financial data, but disclosure of financial reports of listed securities companies will fund the company's usuryRun the exposure. 10 involved in the fund company, 8 companies maintain profits, Onari, long-sheng, sea of Fortis, net profit only downturn in the number of large and medium-sized fund companies such as Wells Fargo is not to 20%, the largest fund companies China Fund's net profit last year of $ 667 million, Roe at 28%, goes far beyond the General manufacturing industry. From the 2009 ~2011 year, notPipe market ups and downs, 3 years company Tag Heuer get $ 90 billion of the Fund management fee income. In the case of stable source of income, funds human cost has not declined, leading fund managers annual salary in excess of $ million. Fund companies pretend to "the Emperor's Club, the", in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen required gold settled. Inch inch gold of Beijing financial Street, 7Fund company home office based in Beijing have 5 Home Office set in here, Jianxin Teda Manulife funds, Fund, yinruixin Fund and China Fund's offices are located in the core area of Beijing financial Street. Banks tera gold, securities companies and fund companies to form "charges Union" company management fees as the main source of income of the Fund has been well known case, banks and securities companiesAlso play themselves in the Christian Democratic selfish calculations: banks push up customer care costs, raise the rate on stock transactions of securities companies "can't say the secret" gradually emerged. Contact the Fund and they rely on the business of the company, forming a "you have me, I have in you," "charges Union". On one hand, banks in 2011 for $ 5.6 billion Fund custodian fee collectionInto the. Third-party research on Fund sales institutions buy Fund CEO Yang Wenbin introduction to reporters tera power leveling, Bank managed the relatively fixed, banks need to do about this, managed security and is responsible for fund accounting, and so on. But understand that banks in a managed fund products during the technical and human costs paid, is not really high compared with the huge fees. At the same time, $ 4.7 billionFamily maintenance income as banks other than anything else. "Certain Fund good recent gains, fund managers have been very good, buy a fund that is more suitable for you sth" called customer care costs, is the funds to pay the Bank the Bank maintains cost of sales channels, this part of the costs actually comes from the fund company's management fee, the highest proportion may exceed the tube30% of lifei. A large State-owned securities firms responsible for business executives to reporters covering, in recent years, strong banks increase bargaining power, they submitted to the fund company's asking price is getting higher and higher, and four State-owned sales outlets, charge higher. The other hand, securities companies by trading commissions received $ 4.6 billion revenue last year. In the dailyInvestment fund companies have to pay brokerage commissions on stock transactions. Larger lower Commission rates in general funds, but in the case of funds of funds are large, stocks transaction costs are higher than retail tera gold, where is the mystery? Changyang Road Shanghai Oriental Securities Sales Department General Manager Ju Yanhong told a press conference, general decline in the Trade Commission rates currently on the market, a capitalAmount of gold in the hundreds of thousands of dollars of investor will be able to enjoy the lowest 0.3%. ~0.5%. The rates. According to reporter statistics 2011 Fund stock trading commissions rates are as high as 0.8%. ~1������ Independent financial commentator Pi Haizhou pointed out that the Fund there is an intricate relationship between the companies and securities companies, many funds trading frequency investment, lightIn return, so as to bring benefits to both funds and securities firms transfer opportunities. One industry source told reporters, with higher commissions for transactions, most securities companies and fund managers have a tacit understanding, securities companies will usually give fund managers returned to the Commission. Competition will make Christian democratic choice voting with our feet in recent years, the public placement Fund model year after year being questioned,And charges reform topics of innovation industry mentioned time and time again. Although the mode of floating rates and fixed rates in the industry have long been discussing the advantages and disadvantages, but many experts and scholars will rule changes focus of agglomeration in China on the change of the public placement fund industry, think that change will bring the scale of system innovation of industry opportunities. But the Deputy Director of the Department of Peking University School of Economics and financeLv Suiqi pointed out that, in in China public raised fund development early, keep high of management rates is encourages public raised Fund expanded scale, but in fund industry quickly expansion zhihou, now does not needs so of high of management rates to to fund industry "blood transfusion", must change fund on Christian Democratic only charges regardless of earn of "pulling hair" mechanism, exploration in maintained market stability of premise Xia expanded on fund companyFloat evaluation mechanisms, to protect the interests of investors and to more realistic constraints of fund managers. As the Sun rivals such as private equity, securities and asset management Department of the company, under the conditions of market competition, is the transformation and upgrading of the Fund to have a high degree of trust, responsibility and investment capabilities of asset management organizations, this is step by step and also banks, securities firms, "charges Union" to noFall? As the 2010 and 2011 public placement Fund accumulated huge losses, some Christian Democratic has gradually lost confidence in Fund issued since the second half of last year according to the new scale of funds raised were too small. Comparative studies on financial markets between China and Zheng Xueqin told reporters earlier, Managing Director of the Chicago Board Options Exchange, 2006-2007 years of experience-basedGold large scale expansion of the "crazy years" post, the current domestic fund companies in marketing, product structure, staff homogeneity on the growing. In this case, Vice President of Renmin University of China Institute of finance and Zhao Xijun believes that this competition is bound to be the Christian democratic choice voting with their feet. "Many Christian democratic public placement Fund between the company and the securities companyInterests between transport, very easy to select redeem, fewer and fewer people now offering fund the buy. "Lv Suiqi said," this is from a side note to marketing is to the rule of law, fight against insider trading, rat silo and conveying of interest are required in the market competition, in order to cast out with a high degree of responsibility and investment trust asset management institutions. �� Others:

