
tera gold Monetary Fund total nearly $ 295 billion at the end of last year - ZJR

129784668179116250_28540 billion base size of domestic funds are the rivers and lakes, or refresh the history Dusty 6.5 years of maximum size of single currency Fund records were broken. Securities Times reporter was informed that recently has a single Monetary Fund has over $ 45 billion, breaking the record of $ 41.59 billion, total size of all Monetary Fund is expected to exceed $ 400 billion, creating the funds ' total record. Monetary Fund's total size is expected to exceed 4,000Million securities Times reporter recently learned from the distribution channels, most of the money in the first quarter of this year net Fund showed a significant purchase, at least 3 of them only Monetary Fund meet or exceed 40 billion dollars. One Fund Manager said his management of monetary funds increased by nearly $ 20 billion, is currently under management of nearly 40 billion yuan. He also revealed that already has a number of monetary funds planningDie more than 40 billion dollars, some even more than $ 45 billion. From historical data, at the end of the third quarter of 2005 US $ 41.59 billion in cash-rich Lee hit a maximum size of a single currency Fund, followed by 6 years there has never been a quarter the size of more than $ 40 billion of the International Monetary Fund. In fact, 5 Monetary Fund at the end of last year more than 20 billionYuan, they are increased profits, while Bo in the South silver currency, cash tera gold, currencies and real money, managing respectively to $ 24.362 billion tera gold, and $, $ 21.363 billion, HK $ 20.327 billion and HK $, in addition, GF money and Hua an cash benefit-rich scale in the $ 18 billion at the end of last year to 20 billion yuanIn between. From the Monetary Fund's total size, Monetary Fund total nearly $ 295 billion at the end of last year, less than the $ 389.174 billion in the history of the end of 2008 the highest nearly $ 100 billion, to reporters understand the Monetary Fund net of purchase, total size of Monetary Fund in the late in the first quarter of this year is expected to exceed $ 400 billion. Interbank market interest rates lower bodyMarket arbitrage it is reported that in this round of surging Monetary Fund both active individual investors to purchase tera power leveling, with participation of institutional investors, especially institutional investors in the purchase, and arbitrage of increased significantly after the Spring Festival this year. "Interbank market interest rates lower, only to have a better income and liquidity is the currency of the Fund, a number of institutional investors from the interbank marketOn the lent money to the International Monetary Fund, obtain capital spreads across markets. "The Fund Manager said. Between the domestic authority of the Shanghai Bank inter-bank interest rates show, March 30, 2012, one week, two weeks, and interest rates in January, 3.71% and 4.16%, respectively, and of most of the monetary funds on the 7th of March 30-year yieldSuper 4.2%, over 5%-yielding money funds up to 32, 40% Monetary Fund totals about, higher yields compared to the split between the IMF and the bank rate have a more obvious arbitrage space. However, to prevent institutional investors hedge and diluted the interests of holders of the old, already has a number of Monetary Fund suspended a large purchase, some large purchase, standard set for $ 200 millionOr set to $ 50 million, and some sets for $ 10 million, and even some sets for $ 100,000, including cash, Bo harvest money, easy money, GF, Hua an cash money Fuli, China Merchant cash value. Others:

