
tera gold and Xie Yahong - NTJ

129773438987968750_1144Recently, experts say, "only in more than 20 countries around the world do not have free medical" cause social concern. Truth is this? The "proof" section asked journalists abroad survey of people's daily, and with the World Bank and national experts. Question: how many countries completely free medical care? "Investigation" over more than 70 countries surveyed, onlyThere are very few free medical care for all our overseas journalists medical systems in more than 70 countries in the world to be found, only Cuba truly universal free medical care, patients see a doctor without spending any cost. Usually people referred to the free medical state, such as Canada and the United Kingdom, and Spain, and Russia, and South Africa and other countries, all without having to pay medical insurancePremium will be given free treatment, but still need to pay a fee when you actually see a doctor, such as medical, registration fees, etc. According to the data of the 2010 Chinese Health Statistics Yearbook tera power leveling, in health expenditures of 193 countries around the world, personal hygiene State none of the expenditures is zero, meaning that no State personal doctor is not free. FlatCountries today believe that free medical care, such as the United Kingdom, and Japan and the United States, and India, 2007 personal hygiene per cent proportion of total expenditure on health, 18.3%, 54.5%, respectively. 60% if individuals in China than in 2001, fell to 35.5% in 2011. Peking University Guanghua School of management Professor, public healthGordon g said, Deputy Director of the Research Center for health policy and management, rarely provided completely free of charge, no boundaries and no limits medical service state. In the United Kingdom and Canada, insurance medical services outside of the directory also must pay. Free medical care in these countries is the basic medical services, the Government cut the head, each of the insured person to also cut out a portion of the money in the form of taxation. The World Bank engaged inPublic health experts in the study of Zhang Shuo says, according to World Bank statistics of the Member States of the economic cooperation organization and East Asian countries in the world, the doctor still costs money. In the OECD, personal hygiene spending accounted for about 20% per cent of total health expenditure, mainly for the purchase of high-end medical services. Question two: most countries how to see a doctor? "Survey" are mostly implemented medicalInsurance systems, in a variety of ways to pay health care costs, and bear part of the medical costs in many countries implementing medical insurance system, or combination of medical insurance and free medical care. Specific to different countries, personal purchases (join) health insurance costs is high or low tera gold, doctor spent in the process, such as registration fees, inspection fees, medicines, hospital care free and also there is a big differenceISO. Responsible person of the State Department Office of health reform, recently said, from a global perspective, there are now more than 130 countries through the establishment of health-care systems solve the resident doctor medical issues, most developed countries has established a universal coverage of medical insurance system; implementation of basic medical insurance in China, "Twelve-Five" in turn to improve the quality of health care services. According to Huazhong University of Tongji hospitalProfessor Yao Lan, at present, medical security system in the developed world there are four types. The first is national (Government) health care models, such as the United Kingdom, and Canada, and Australia, Nordic countries, and so on. Health care as a social welfare to provide the full, by higher tax financing. Personal doctor are all free, but free level is quite high. Second: social insurance model, such as Germany, andJapan, and so on. Payment by the employer and the employees, appropriate government subsidies of society share the risks, is relatively flexible. Third: private health insurance model, also known as commercial insurance, private insurance accounted for 60%. United States representative, the principal is purely commercial insurance model, high cost of medical treatment, but the elderly, veterans have special protection policies. IVType: hybrid. This diplomatic reporter investigation shows that some developing countries, such as Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia and other countries, compulsory medical insurance, or complex medical insurance, health insurance premiums paid by units for the employees tera gold, individuals do not need to pay the premium, when seeking medical care in public hospitals free of charge basic medical, special kinds of surgical fees, medical expenses needed personal commitment.China, Argentina, and Indonesia and other countries implementing medical insurance system, individuals pay premiums, when seeking medical care pay part of the costs. South Africa take the form with a combination of free medical care and medical insurance, low-income people free medical treatment in public hospitals, such as to a private hospital in good medical condition you need to buy their own health insurance. In many African countries South of the Sahara, healthLevel is very low. Some countries proposed a universal free medical care, or due to a weak foundation of pharmaceutical industry, the acute shortage of medicines cannot be truly free, or just for serious epidemic diseases such as malaria free medical aid. (Reporter Li Hongmei, and security, and Shi Xiaohui Li Wenyun, Zhang Jie, Jiang guankejiang, and Ding Xiaoxi, and Li Xuejiang, and Liu Zhonghua, Jiang Bo, and Pei Guangjiang, Yuanji prosperityAnd the zhonghai Li, and Zhang jianbo, and Xie Yahong, and Tan Wujun, and Ding Dawei, and Emily LAU, Li Zengwei, Wang Lei, and Liu Junguo, and Chen Xiaohang coverage) "illustrated" and "knowledge" can Europe-free medical care in China? Why China cannot implement free medical care? Hu Suyun: India free medical care what level of talent is not so good to healthFree treatment? (Editors: Lv Yang) Others:

