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129773184496406250_101March 19, headline-grabbing 6 workers in Hunan province Changshu "gathering people to engage in affrays" case review. Integrated 7-day trial the prosecution presented evidence, parties to the case, and witnesses gave their statements, the reporter will be restored for more than three hours before the fight. This version of author/reporter Zhou Qingshu (micro-blogging) in Changshu, Jiangsu province reported case review: last August, A video on the Internet controversy. Video: April 2, 2011 noon, armed with machetes 24 persons-site of the fight, he q 6 Hunan Chinese workers forced to return. Complete records intense fight scenes of the device being monitored. In August the same year, Changshu city, Jiangsu Province people's Court to the "crime of affray" sentence he q and 5 other wage earners to 3 years of imprisonment in Hunan, participate in "fight"Li Yifu was of another nationality in Hunan province to work because of a minor the other case dealt with. But at that time headed by Zeng Yong "chopper squad" not one of 24 members attendance '. Raising network public opinion about 6 employees are acting in self-defence or debate is gathering people to engage in affrays. In November, the Suzhou intermediate people's Court to "facts are not clear, insufficient evidence" as an excuse, Changshu city, refer the case back to the people's CourtThe Tribunal. Proceeding from March 19, 2012 is divided into three trial: knives-site by Zeng Yong "machete" court hearing the case in the 19th and another minor heard Li Yifu on 22nd, he q 5 who was 21st hearing. At present, the first two cases were finalized, was not in court for sentencing. (See March 24 this A6) a $ 1 millionOf gambling debts in connection with lend both lend reason is Zeng Yong company boss Xu Jianzhong debt dispute between the he q. In a March 19 hearing on Zeng Yong, "machete" case, Patrick, one of the members said, on April 2 last year more than 9 in the morning, he received a call from he q at home, "he asked me to sit down, talk about money matters. "Zeng Yong, Xu Jianzhong owedHis $ 1 million gambling debt, "he also has 250,000 me, still owe me 750,000. I entrusted a friend Patrick, Zhu Gang helped me. "At around 10 in the morning on the day of the fight, there have been negotiations between the two sides. Then he q, Zhang Sheng entered indecent Cafe, Chen Qiang to stay in charge of driving out of the room. Patrick and its companion sky Dragon arrived at around 10:30. Patrick CourtSaid that after them into the box, "the other said, he is in Hunan, are the boss made a point of looking for dealing with this matter, also said that Hunan bad bully. "Patrick said, his back to his sentence:" Hunan bad bully, less money. "He q replied:" don't screw me, or you. "He q on this section describes as:" at about 9 o'clock in the morning, Xu JianZhong-allow me to deal with this matter, and give me a fat man (fat man Patrick, reporter's note) phone, I just about him going to the coffee shop to talk about, I communicated only 500 tera power leveling,000, they do not agree. "After the two sides talked for 20 minutes in discord. Patrick and the sky Dragon opened a silver Passat left the coffee shop. 8 minutes past 11, he q, 3 men left the Cafe back. "Machete"Each other" requirements "they went to collect the money as numbness he q company surveillance video shows, shortly before 11:18 A.M. day, he q to return to the company into the Chairman's Office, talking with Xu Jianzhong, Chairman. "Xu Jianzhong said he received a phone call, number of familiar and unfamiliar, could answer, told me to call and ask. "He q said. So, close to 12 noonPoint, he q give Zeng Yong a call for the first time. 40 seconds of the call between the two sides. Zeng Yong said in court: "phone said they were entrusted by Xu Jianzhong, let me not to find Xu. I asked whether he has money, he replied no, I came back to what he has no money, talk to me. "The two sides mutual scolding a few words over the phone. Subsequently, he q Zhang Sheng calls, and then to the ChairmanOffice General Manager room next door, a good kitchen knife on the paper in her arms. At 12 o'clock, to Jianping Xu and Xu Jianzhong he q account after leaving, to the incident does not occur again. About 10 minutes later, he q lying on the left side of the Office of the Chairman of the sofa once again call on the telephone, call 11 seconds between the two sides. Zeng Yong said, he q said on the phone: "money in my businessSurface, ability for you to take. "Both parties denied that" about "accused of fighting at 12:32, he q, and Zhang sheng, and Chen Qiang, Zhang Renli, Long Yunzhong, Li Yifu and other 6 people one after another into the Chairman's Office. He q Office of the kitchen knives in the drawer. In the March 19 trial, 9 questions and cross-examination of the accused such as Zeng Yong, Zeng Yongfang finished he qTo restore phone: after you complete the call, Zeng Yong Gong Jun Zhu Gang, Hu Wei, and another on the driving trio, Patrick organization more people went to Xu Jianzhong company. On March 25 in the trial, Xu Zeng Yong said the company is because of two points, looking for money Xu; if otherwise, frighten them, does not want to fight, he q were denied aboutFrame. This is the same with he q, Zeng Yong, he q 6 people before to prepare after the knife is due to fear of each other to cause harm to yourself. Also denied about. 12:45 tera gold, Zeng Yong to take the black of the Touareg SUV and Patrick, a dozen people by three car almost at the same time open to the Xu Jianzhong company downstairs, Zeng Yong with five hand tool stairs, Patrick SuperintendentIn the back. Someone won over more than 10 knife out of the car, the people to come down to the car behind. At the same time, he q, and so people see Zeng Yong and others upstairs from surveillance video. 12 point one minute 45 seconds, Zeng Yong, Gong Jun, Hu Wei, 6 people came into the room, pointing to Zhang Sheng Hu Wei took a knife. Zeng Yong at the Office with one's hands clasped behind one's back a few paces, he said: Xu Jianzhong people? No one backFor security. Zeng Yong asked again who told me to take the money? Still no one answered. Zeng Yong Gong Jun suddenly on the right wave, hit he q faces, he q down on the sofa. He q out behind the kitchen knife and slash. [Link] full testy's trial from the two-day protest against all the boring vacation he q, 5 people in the 21st.On March 25, case had just finished asking the first witness Zeng Yong stage. Court procedure rather convoluted. Proceeding in the 21st, and because counsel submits that there is a presiding judge in the trial of behavioral problems such as illegal, defence counsel are basically "oppose all", trial site full of gunpowder. Subsequently, due to defence counsel believe that police officers to witness(Xu Jianzhong's Secretary, fight scene only women, hidden under the table when the fight occurred) asked in the process, she was asked to have no privacy problems of married life, is sexual harassment. And police officers in the process of asking, said that "lawyers are professional gangsters, and us", defence counsel requested start illegal evidence exclusion program. This requirement is at first had not been the presiding judgeSupport, culminated in the lawyers collective protest, continually issued "no" and "protest" sound of trial once into "out of control". Lawyers lasting insistence tera power leveling, end up with the presiding judge made a promise, the courts play in the afternoon on the same day police ask a video. So, until the 23rd at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, two days of hearings has been playing this for up to 12Hours of video. Sit and just "hilarious" different climate of trial site becomes boring. Proceedings essentially ground to a halt. However, after the video is finished playing, the collegial panel on illegal evidence exclusion of proceedings lawyer has not been started. March 24 trial starting from defender he q's to ask questions, questions completed for all defendants this morning. Compared with the previous two days, the CourtIs a smooth process. Afternoon interrogation stage of proof, the prosecution presented evidence, the defence cross-examination. When you approach an adjournment until the afternoon, Court began full testy. With ling's letter Beijing, Chen Qiang of the defence counsel, the defendant law firm lawyer Zhang Lei day wrote a summary of the Changshu in mind, and then in the form of longer tweets posted online.On March 24, he wrote about this in the summary this is similar to journaling: presiding judge today has a very clear violations of the law. My two prosecutors, speaking on public prosecutor's statement of objections and requests to the Court to present opposing views and reasons. But the presiding judge does not allow me to say oppose reasons, prosecutors continue to speak. Zhu Mingyong lawyersChief Justice pointed out that, when the public prosecutor when asked, Defender objections, should listen to the Defender's objections, and then make a decision. Presiding judge is not even a reason to let the defenders say, violations of judicial interpretations of the Supreme. Presiding judge did not respond, so prosecutors continue. After prosecutors finished speaking, lawyers and defendants hands he q has something to say, the trialLong direct announced on 24th's trial ends. Opposition from many people on The Bar. No fruit. He q Su Jinlin girlfriend and the mother of the defendant Liu fight in court after loudly protesting about this for a few minutes away. 25th morning's trial is mainly the prosecution and 24th for the prosecution to give video evidence of cross-examination and explanation; the other case defendants accused of gathering people to engage in affrays Zeng Yong as checkedWitness to testify, lawyers make a detailed inquiry. He q of the defence counsel an affidavit Wang Zeng Yong Hua in the mornings to be asking about 1.5 hours. Due to the defenders in the afternoon on Zeng Yong continued the style of this morning when asked, person in the Gallery "Shhhh" sound of acoustic and hysterics. During the entire 25th's trial, prosecution and continued issuing each other "anti-"Sound, between the lawyers and the presiding judge also occurs many times in different situations. 25th recess, the trial had just finished asking the witness Zeng Yong program. Court trials are still slowly. When there is no timetable for the end. () Others:

