
aoc gold micro-blogging - VHK

129732242240158750_120Morning Post reporter Wu Zhichao recently aoc gold, he worked in the Shanghai Shenhua (micro-blogging) the effectiveness of Germany international Carsten Jancker said when interviewed before Super (micro-blogging) is equivalent to the level of Germany class c League. In this regard, in Germany effective years of Shao Jiayi (micro-blogging) be rejected at first, now follow the Beijing Guoan (micro-blogging) team in Portugal train Shao Jiayi in the Super and notYang Kerr thinks bad, more like Eastern Europe League Super League level. Shao Jiayi in Germany 9 years, played the Bundesliga, German b, also in shangyu recovery on behalf of Energie Cottbus youth team participated during Dedin League. Therefore, Carsten Jancker's "Super c = virtue" theory the secret world gold, Jiayi Shao has a great voice, "this is really puzzling, Super League nowAnd b there is a certain gap between Bundesliga and even moral, but identical to the German level is a bit ridiculous. "In accordance with Shao Jiayi, League Super League is more like Eastern Europe," in the Super League and Eastern Europe is similar rift platinum, are personal technology well, but team offensive and defensive transition quickly enough. ��

