
world of tanks power leveling and Shirokov/basiteluofu - AXM

129756477840625000_200Fenghuangwang sports news Beijing time on March 7, eleven-twelveths one-eighth UEFA Champions League knockout rounds of the season beat Benfica home 2-0 St Petersburg Ze nits, Pereira scored first half Bushi 2nd minute, Bushi lock shengju Ruben Olivera of the second half. Total score into a 4-3 between the two sides, Benfica advancing to the knockout one-fourth. Before this season, the PhilippinesCards and Ze nits have never drove in three major European Cup history, ending on February 16 in the first leg of the UEFA Champions League 1/8 knockout, Ze nits home 3-2 defeated SL Benfica. First half Benfica kick off. 2 minute and Gaitan manufacturing left corner kick, corner kick foul penalty after the referee blowing offense. 4 minute, Ze nit aniukefu fly scoop Gaitan, showed the referee todayFirst yellow card of the game, aniukefu game have had a yellow card. 9 minute, Benfica front cut, continuous hanging into a foot ball, Chak nit final leap of one guard rescue. 12 minute, Benfica Defender line foot, narrowly missed being broken. The 14 minute, Cesar as out right ribs left-foot shot, leap-bashing by goalkeeper. After 1 minute, Garcia was flying shovels eatYellow card. 17 minute, Ze nits midfielder cut back, Cermak run with the ball was Rhodri Mawr down, Ze nits penalty 30 metres free kick gongmen by human wall retaining. 19 minute, Benfica into other restricted under Pereira crossing at the end of, the ball rolls over Buddhism. 23 minutes, Cesar was leave it at that in a few kelixituo, Benfica have prohibited zone free kick on the right, low GaitanIncoming restricted road, Louis block of Mulberry tuishe guard. 28 minutes, flying aniukefu shovel, Gaitan jumps away, landing numerous hip when hit aniukefu in the head, Ze nits Defender once blacked out. 30 minute, Benfica students ' kickball counterattack, Gaitan Ze nits goalkeeper for knocking out heavily, again interrupted the match. 32 minutes, Wurtzell crossing on the right, two of theCard Player users to Philip but did not touch the ball. 37 minutes, crossing to the left Benfica, Cardoso sideways shooting guard retaining the Barb, after 1 minute, Ferreira Emerson high long shots. The 39 minute, Benfica continuous pass in front of the other closed areas, Ze nits Defender's handball referee didn't blow stopped the game, followed by Cesar high long shots. The 42 minute, Benfica Centre-Louis Mulberry clearIs broken, Ze nits back drop, Atul rescue. 2 minutes of the first half Bushi, Benfica achieved leading 1-0. Gaitan crossing to the right, shooting was goalkeeper-bashing Wurtzell zone, Wurtzell front of the heel to the ball, Pereira users goals. End of the first half the match, leading Benfica 1-0 Ze nits in St Petersburg. The second half, Ze nit first speedEntire portfolio, Danko Lazovic replaced basiteluofu. 46 minutes, crossing to the left Benfica, Rhodri Mawr users missed opportunities. After 1 minute, Benfica front hanging into free kicks, goalkeeper punched out. 53 minute, Ze nits and then adjusting the portfolio, Alves replaced aniukefu. The 55 minute, Ze right corner hanger into the NIT, Jardel header. The 59thMinute, Ze nits ball counter with Ferreira Emerson crossing on the left, Rhodri Mawr shoots soft weak defender under the Earth. The 61 minute, Benfica make lineup adjustments world of tanks power leveling, former Barcelona striker Norrito replaced Rhodri Mawr. 64 minutes, Nori supporting instigated attacks Gaitan crossing on the left world of tanks power leveling, Cardoso did not get to shooting opportunities. 67 minutes, Denisoff played from behind Wurtzell, yellowWarning. 2 minutes later, Benfica students ' kickball counterattack, single pole Miss Cardoso. The 71 minute, Benfica once again adjust portfolio, Matic replaced Gaitan works very well today, strengthen the defense. The 74 minute, Cardoso arc rushes in long shots are jacking Malafeyev leap out of the bottom line, Cardoso and Hu Boci scrambling for position after corner kicks in penalty fell, referee ignored. After 2 minutes,Nori supporting attack on the left side, facing two opponents Pack pinch out crossing, no teammates support. The 79 minute, Benfica last changed places with, Ruben Olivera replaced Cardoso, to continue to strengthen the defense. The 82 minute, Fernando alvez long shots by Benfica keeper catch. 2 minutes later, Benfica fight back, Ruben Olivera long shots on artillery, no to Norrito. The 90 minute,Nori thanks to breakthroughs on the left cross, Cesar turned and shot being locked out. Second half found in minute wot power leveling, Benfica made a 2-0 lead. Cesar Beck, crossing, Ruben Olivera users broke lock shengju. House game, beat Benfica home 2-0 Ze nits in Saint Petersburg, two round total score successfully advancing to the knockout one-fourth 4-3. SL Benfica (4,231):Tours/Pereira, and Lu Yisang, and Jardel, and Ferreira Emerson/Garcia, and Wurtzell/Gaitan (71' Matic), Cardoso (79' Ruben Olivera), Bruno-Cesar/Rhodri Mawr (61' Norrito) Saint Petersburg Ze nits (4,231): Malafeyev/aniukefu (53' Alves), kelixituo, and longbaerci, and Hu Boci/Denisoff, and Shirokov/basiteluofu (46' Danko Lazovic), zieryanuofu (70' Faizullin), Cermak/Korzhakov

