
diablo 3 gold sweets of the area - YHU

129756711629531250_924Candy color matching rules: with the colour combination of bright sky blue, orange is ideal for fair skin. Will make your skin pretty translucent charm and geese yellow, bright orange and pink skin is ideal for color matching, generous woman taste. These two categories of people of colour to wear other candy colors and no taboos. Skin slightly yellow and blackYou need to pay extra attention: slightly yellow colour does not fit nicely with sky blue diablo 3 gold, had some dark complexion more gray; doesn't suit Orange, will make the overall convergence, colour is more yellow; yellow skin color does not fit nicely with red roses, yellow will make the skin more obvious. Colour black, not intended to be yellow and geese, but good for a light powder, rose red, Navy Blue.Candy color matching rule II: hit the mix of colors and adjacent colors bold CONTRAST COLOR combination to dress up as a whole greatly increases the contrast, make your images stand out particularly. But this match color scheme that require expert-level knowledge in order to achieve a harmonious effect. In two contrasting colors of black, white and grey can be used to reconcile, such as dressing up as a whole accounted for 40% area in the yellow jacket and the 50% area of pink pants to wear, is eye-catching but is very light weight, with the total area of 10% black and white strap shirts to reconcile, it will match the color of the overall stability, both light and harmony. Adjacent color matching easier, such as light yellow are available in the same colors, yellow; light green tera power leveling, dark green, and the Green; White/Pink, rose, purple sth Out of a dark color schemeSo that the overall effect of rendering solid sense of change. Candy color matching rule three: candy colors and color-free mix of classic black and white ash and small, sweets of the area tera gold, packed with fresh and not too much publicity, appropriate crowd more widely. Candy color matching rule four: candy colors and metallic shining future mix bring cool metallic colors candy color and texture, for people with personalityQuality girls. (Editors: Ran Zhao) Others:

