
diablo 3 gold the second was carefully audited and implementation of various asset allocation plan

129764343209531250_22 <a href="http://diablo3.power-leveling.org">diablo 3 gold</a>Social security to determine this year's five key mobile phone free www.cnfol.com March 16, 2012 National Council for social security fund investment news view comments yesterday held a second meeting of the fourth session of the Executive Council. Responsible persons of relevant departments, agencies and units directly under the State Council, social securityPersonal account fund entrusted with the management of solid 9 pilot provinces of central finance subsidies for government representatives are invited to attend the meeting. Report noted that the volatility of equity investments, but at a reasonable price to buy stocks, stick to long-term investment, long term, are higher than the fixed-income revenue. Social Security Fund invested in stocks began in June 2003,Over stock assets average 19.22% per cent of total assets, $ 132.6 billion cumulative investment income, total investment return 46%; cumulative investment yield of 364.5%, annual investment income rate of 18.61%, all the accumulated average yields by more than 10 percentage points. According to the information released by the social security fund, asBy the end of 2011, total assets of pension fund investment operation 868.9 billion yuan, in the major categories of assets and stock assets 32.39%. direct investment assets of 504.2 billion yuan, 58.03%, discretionary investment assets of 364.7 billion yuan, accounting for 41.97%. 2011 social security fund investment earnings $ 43.1 billion, achieving yields of 5.58%. trading assets fair value changes in the period amounted to-$ 35.7 billion, the investment income of the Fund for the year $ 7.4 billion, investment yields 0.85%. data show that in 11 years in 2001, the national social insurance fund a total of $ 284.7 billion investment income, with an average annual yield of 8.41%, 6% higher than the rate of inflation over the same period.Social Security Fund has identified five key areas of work this year: first, continued to raise social security funds through various channels; the second was carefully audited and implementation of various asset allocation plan; three are doing all kinds of investment, strive to raise the level of return on investment; four is focused on regulations of the national social security fund, accelerate the speed of construction of the legal system; five to strengthen internal management, promoting construction of harmonious body. Others:

