
tera gold Cai Shushu - TJR

129773438653281250_269On the show, often embarrassing scenes. I can see that, artists laugh very reluctantly. Although mixing bowl of rice to eat, but some will let more people could not make. Really swtor gold, never not funny joke, unless someone else; gossip is always a scandal, as above tera gold, unless someone else. So, I sometimes yiyin "angrily":Live guests angry departure, confusion of sth This scene, I met at that kind of family mediation program. Best WINS fight to money and emotion at the feet of the guests tera power leveling, wanted on the Court. But this time, I finally saw in the variety show – HA, are "stars". When Kyung Han in the record and make progress every day, departure.Subsequently, declarations made by the parties, both say "audience sky classic, I was wrong". I'm too lazy to investigate who is right: really, Han Geng is which? The make progress every day, what is it? Earlier than I gossip comrades told me the answer: which couple do not quarrel? Making parties, had deliberately take Gossip Girl as speculation material, are provided to each other on the playscript with stage directions of a write-only"Under the four girls"--did not say who. This is gambling, betting on each other will not face, gambling on football matches can only be combined with the other party. Smiling is the default, immediately denied. Kyung Han, always "look forward to a better love", probably ready to keep for 50 didn't tell us the truth-if he can up and down red to Andy Lau's age. Time, ashamed and resentful, attack. Find outGossip, still did not solve my doubts: Kyung Han who is it? I have heard this name, also used to think was Han Sung, but if you were to ask me what he sang songs, played what role, my eyes still a smear. Andy Lau is not so easy, first family belongings model, then learn to others "diamond Bachelor". Make sth Gossip while hype is a practice, but the hype about it, More thoughtful, more implicit. Otherwise, the strong torsion is not sweet. (Editors: Cai Shushu) Others:

