
tera power leveling even the plastic out of a wave of large amplitude of the rally - SHR

129742939380156250_406In early February, the national financial work Conference in 2012 of good and bargain buying pushed the market, even the plastic out of a wave of large amplitude of the rally, is currently finishing a 104,501 line is in shock. Pass on the fundamentals of analysis, in my view, even plastic in the short term trend is still bullish, under the influence of factors such as poor demand in the lower, Outlook LLDPE still has aCorrection of pressure, it is recommended that investors in the short term to every high short. A weak dollar, strong economy the United States and Europe are expected to strengthen from published data, United States economy have improved significantly in the near future. United States January ISM manufacturing PMI54.1, for the highest value since July 2011. January retail sales last month rose to 0.4%, although lower than the estimate of 0.7%But higher than per cent in December. January unemployment rate 8.3%, for 35 months minimum. After adjusting for the January quarter nonfarm payrolls added 243,000 people, far exceeding the expected 150,000 people, biggest rise since April 2011 in January, small business confidence in the Economic Outlook index edged up 0.1 per centLlip; improvement in employment data, forward-looking indicators showed that consumer and business confidence has restored since the end of 2011. At the same time, unable to in the eurozone is still in debt. Although the European Central Bank, one of the first injection of liquidity has made the Euro-bond market and the banking industry prospects have improved, but the overall economic situation is still hard optimism. Greece debt crisis spreadingDelayed bailout setbacks, the sharp contraction in GDP annual rate in the fourth quarter of last year 7%, market on Greece concerns or will default again. The European Council President van rompuy (microblogging), solution of the debt crisis is a long-term war in Europe, the elapsed time will be longer than expected. This message is worrying the market on European debt crisis. EuroCountries downgraded the storm is still continuing, after continued p lowering rating nine Member States of the eurozone, recent Moody's also downgraded Italy, and Portugal and Spain's sovereign credit rating of the three countries, and France and the United Kingdom and Austria in the three countries with sovereign credit rating of AAA put on negative watch list. This indicates that the slow economic recovery in the euro zone. Beautiful strong-weak economy of Europe against the US dollarMovements have some support to suppress the rising commodity space. Second, industry chain down crude oil demand to surge more recently, Iran, and Syria, countries affected, strong international crude oil prices, but we note that this wave up is clearly caused by geo-political instability, crude oil demand does not get promoted. The International Energy Agency (IEA) on Friday in the monthOil market report said: due to the slowdown in economic growth, trend of sharp slowdown in global growth in demand for petroleum products is expected to continue to 2012 and 2012 global oil demand growth by 0.9% to 800,000 barrels a day, in a January report the growth forecast reduced to 300,000 barrels. In addition, the United States EIA crude oil inventories sharply recentlyRose, currently 339.25 million barrels, has significantly increased before 8.04 million barrels, and refinery capacity utilization continued to drop to 82.8%, is two and a half years to low levels. Which shows the United States and no significant recovery in demand for crude oil. At the same time, according to the CFTC, the past two weeks age of conan gold, continuous fall of net positions of the CFTC. As of February 7 week, netPosition 168.885 million barrels, from the end of January to reduce the 8.96 million barrels. Fund is not good afternoon. In General, Iran, and Syria tensions in part to the formation of crude oil on support, but developed countries such as Europe and America under the Suppression of weak demand, geopolitical tension alone is hard to push crude oil continued to move up. Future crude oil is expected to remain at $ 100Mark shocks finishing. High crude oil shocks, will weaken the of LLDPE cost support, its price must be suppressed. Lower demand depressed pressing room statistics: January 2012, China's exports of plastic products of 646,000 tons per cent reduction of 88,000 tons, fell near 12%, also dropped by 63,900 tons, reducingSite for 9%. Due to the economic recession in the developed countries in Europe and America, there are signs of increasing trade barriers. 2012 growth in exports of plastic products is expected to slow significantly. In addition, there is still demand for plastic products of season tera power leveling, by nearly 20 years, China's output of plastic products, we found that in the vast majority of the year, February production was the lowest, at which point productsTends to be a low point for the year. This suggests that seasonal consumption, February is the consumption of plastic products off season. Seen from the structure of supply and demand, plastic stock supply and demand for traditional off-season, strength in the short term even the plastics difficult to substantially. Surplus warehouse into the spot market provisions of the Dalian commodity exchange, linear low density polyethylene standard cartridge single in March of each yearStandard cartridge single cancellation must be made before the last business day. Now has close to warrant cancellation deadline, many warehouse early cancellation. Can be seen from the of LLDPE warehouse movements, and into 2012, LLDPE warehouse receipt continue to decrease rapidly. As of February 14, large plastic warehouse outlets is down to 5 eq2 platinum,358, back down to low levels in recent years, butThis reduction is not the lower digestive tract, most of the warehouse receipt is transferred from the warehouse receipt of delivery on the spot market, which increases the supply pressure to the spot market, will to a certain extent also on the price suppression. Conclusions from the current situation, Europe's sovereign debt crisis and the present economic growth there is still major uncertainties. Iran, and Syria tensionsCrude oil prices will support, but was unable to continue to push up the price of oil. Even the cost of plastic support diminished. Downstream demand did not see a significant improvement, spot supply, in this case, the plastic up space is limited. Various short term positive effect in the near future, even the plastic out of a rally in early and now enters the pressure area, expected future callback request, it is recommended that investorsShort on high short-dominated. Ruida futures online Gold in forest wise statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

