
world of tanks power leveling such as health care - KQZ

129756355727187500_52View the latest prices for the annual "two sessions" are held every season world of tanks power leveling, and the stock market would have two sessions a year of important "issues" made positive responses, such as 2009 's "rescue" in 2010, "strategic industries" in 2011 and the "Twelve-Five" plan, the two sessions this year also attracted the eye of investors.After the downturn in the aftermath of the 2010 and 2011, policy warm air blows in 2012, the stock market has come the dawn.  Nanfang daily reporter visited the various venture capital firms found that fund managers are highly concerned with the two sessions during the conveying of macroeconomic policies, trade policies in perspective as well as the stock system reform and other hot spots, well prepared and red in March. While the stock market in the formerRebounded sharply yesterday after a small fall in the period, but fund managers said that current stock market trend is still rebounding, and valuation of repair, active stock selection is the key to battle this year. Diario reporter Zheng Han Jia Xiaoming interns 构词成分。 "market environment" "month between ARATS and SEF" coincided with the end of valuation SEF was well received by institutional investors concerns, in addition to its policy directionSignificance, historical data is also very exciting. The CICC statistics show, the a-share market in 1998 for 14 years, the "two sessions" held a month after, only 2 times down, increases the probability for 86.7%, gains in the value of 5.3%, has featured two sessions of China's stock market has become a market generally expected.Southern Fund (micro-blogging) Chief policy analyst Yang Delong (micro-blogging) said that statistics showed that in the 17 years since 1995, two sessions during the a-share market performance "12 up 5 down" chances rise more than 70%, for 10 days after the end of the two conferences "13 rising 4 falls", after the 20 days are "14 up 3 falls". Nanfang daily reporter heSaid in an interview, "now, master tone was shift from last year's fall of the market rebound index for the whole year is expected to regain ground lost last year. Bottom of the current market valuations in the history as a whole, the a-share market will continue squeeze foam pattern blue chip value regression, gem, blue-chip rally may run through the whole year. "North residential certificate in entrepreneurship development index rating Fund proposedAny fund manager Wang Jian said, a-share driven valuation is repaired.  While also stressing control, but policies and macro-economic to the easing of the development, the latest slogan is "adjusting fine", while technology forms the actual bottom of the market has been formed, with index index of leading industries have bottomed out in October last year. "Focus" real estate regulation andMonetary policy is the vane of Nanfang daily reporter found, passed out during the two sessions of information, fund managers for regulation of real estate policy and changes in monetary policy is most concerned about. Premier raised GDP7.5%,CPI4% goal of this year's Government work report. Refer to last year's GDP8% of the target, this indicates that China's economic growthLong Central down has been confirmed by the Government departments.  Combined with current market status quo of CPI in line this year are expected to be below 4%, 4% against the objective of policy measures and a series of subsequent price reform frees up space, but real estate regulation and still no signs of relaxing. "Rumored real estate policy loose last week, deputies joined into fierce arguments control policyTeam, but the Government's attitude is very clear ", Boshi Fund (micro-blogging) macro strategies, General Manager Wei Fengchun (micro-blogging) analysis, real estate policies fully relaxed it is highly unlikely, although demand is encouraged, but gradually improved suppression of speculative, investment demand, further consolidation of control results world of tanks power leveling, prices reasonable return for the regulation of the main line, it is difficult to shake. Yang Delong points out thatAnd in the current property market regulation, at all levels of Government, enterprises, banks and other multi-game atmosphere, but not be significant loosening of housing policy in the short term. Wei Fengchun expects from liquidity, domestic February new credit may not be less than the January money short-term worry-free, relative attractiveness of bonds than equities, bond configurations can focus in the longLower credit in bank debt, bond world of tanks power leveling, convertible bonds. "Investment hot spot" areas of people's livelihood is the main line Shen Wanling (micro-blogging) Fund believes that with two sessions of topics related to investment will be of concern, such as health care, transportation, etc; and the communications industry, you need to pay close attention to and after the discussions during the two sessions, more or less action. Thematic opportunities after the end of, or future investment opportunitiesGradually shift to valuation and fundamental analysis. Agriculture and water, is the annual "two sessions" project, the "two sessions" during the two plates will respond, but the two plates speculation for many years in a row, market participants believe that due to defense spending has increased to "stimulate" the military-industrial sector will be better. Wei Fengchun says, "2012, China's military spending increasesLong 11%, Commission of high profile claims that China has the ability to manufacture aircraft carrier open and timely, or related subject matter is raised speculation in the market. "During the" two sessions, is expected to have introduced many policies to benefit and market focus will turn to the people's livelihood, economy and hot spot areas such as capital markets, culture media, energy-saving environmental protection, agricultural policy benefiting sector likely to continue active ", Peter YandleDragon said. Famous private equity managers, good at grasping market hotspots in Guangdong Sheng Ze investment company, investment director Li Shiyu the Nanfang daily reporters that he from the perspective of people's livelihood looks to tourism unit. "In ensuring that economic growth on the basis of livelihood issues is the main line of the two sessions. "Li Shiyu believes that the platform for leisure are in consultation, as well as modify, travelAlso actively in the drafting of the law, plates with policy expectations and good strong expected performance. Tourism is now in "travel to the countryside to" trends 2009 "home appliances to the countryside" and "car to the countryside" is somewhat similar to, the tourism industry, does have its investment value, but must be deep, depth selected mining stocks. Private quite bearish two sessions aShare three characteristics clearly shares two sessions at the end of shock probability short-term differences exacerbate a share into two sessions during model: short-term adjustment without optimism of middle route 17 between usher shares 12 up organizations to exploit the Government work report for 17 years during the two sessions, a-shares rising probability Super-70% policy fine-tuning touch market nerves a-share short callback-SEF SEF affecting real estate buildingMaterials market of the three major sections, such as the South Fund: active two sessions held two sessions to promote policies to benefit from plate to benefit four plates at 16 leading stocks rose Sina declared: this message is reprinted from Sina media partners, SINA posted this article for the purpose of passing more information, does not mean to endorse their views or confirm the description. Article content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice.Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

