
wot power leveling 129756501050468750_175 - ESG

129756501050468750_175Yesterday the Central Bank on the open market to 30 billion yuan period is 28 days repo operations world of tanks power leveling, bid rate was flat at 2.8%, scale more clearly observed last week. Analysis suggested that, although the scale of this week is to buy back the expansion, but only the increase in funds for offset due. Public markets expires this week increase the amount to $ 63 billion wot power leveling, therefore is to buy back the corresponding increasePlus, but the Central voting continue to suspend indicates that the Central Bank intends to face plenty of funds. This week is a one-year suspended Central tenth consecutive weeks, but is in buy-back exercise compared to the $ 10 billion of 28-day repurchase clearly observed on Tuesday.   While last week compared to only 2 billion worth of expired funds, public markets expires this week increase the amount to $ 63 billion. After the day before yesterday, market interest rates fell on Tuesday, fund pricesContinue downward as a whole, Bank of Shanghai interbank offered rate (Shibor), apart from the 14-day interest rates remaining species all lower. Where: overnight interest rates fell 13.11 basis points, 2.3154%; 7-day interest rates decreased slightly by 0.94 per cent, 3.1298%; 14-day interest rate increase of 1.75 per cent, at 3.6842%.Analysis pointed out that central banks have yet to restart a year, mainly concerns the market demand will push down the yield on the issue, thereby increasing the market for monetary easing is expected. China Everbright Bank Chief macro-analyst Cheng Hongqing were of the view that whether central banks continue to support easier than in the capital mainly for inflation levels and trends. If the February CPI has fallen to a low point, the Central Bank is notTightening the money supply instead remain high if inflation, the Central Bank is considering restart Central wot power leveling, contraction of credit.

