
world of tanks power leveling Hla Myint - WMH

129756355348906250_74-Now in Yangon, Myanmar in the political transition to a halt for half a century, the new leadership of rapid transformation is being attempted from inside to outside.   Government frees political prisoners, held elections (follow up of even more elections), began its economic reforms, and began to show external investment. Not difficult to understand, has long dictatorial mechanisms for sanctions against BurmaAttitude of the international community remained cautious about Myanmar.   Myanmar reforms come too fast, even the most famous Myanmar experts could not determine where the Congress. But, in my view, it is clear that are now in permanent opportunities for change in Myanmar, the international community must not let this opportunity slip away. Schedule should be set for the Myanmar prospect in the world, is not only to provide assistance, but also to takeEdge is now blocking the transition of Myanmar sanctions. To date, November 2010 legislative election since the transition is described as spectacular. Military (since 1962 has been therefore there should) hold a 25% table, so people worried that the election was a farce. But elected Government reflecting the basic aspirations of citizens of MyanmarPerformance is much better than people expected. Under the leadership of new President Wu Dengcheng, Myanmar authorities responded to the calls for political and economic liberalization. And ethnic minority rebels peace talks have made progress--the root causes of such conflicts can be traced back to the colonial period divided rule of policy, in more than 60 years after independence, Myanmar's rulers continued this policy. The Nobel Peace PrizeLaureate Aung San Suu Kyi was not only lifted the house arrest, also began to fight in April I realize Parliament seats in the by-elections. In the economic sphere, budget process introduces an unprecedented degree of transparency. Spending on health and education to achieve a double (albeit low). Licence control has also been in a number of key areas to relax. Even the Government also pledged to harmonize their complex system of exchange rates.Spirit of hope can be seen in Myanmar, but the older generation of people seeing the totalitarian rule of Myanmar continued to relax--tighten, remain hesitant about the this time. This may also relax isolated Myanmar hesitate because of the international community.   But most of the people of Myanmar believed that if change can be managed well, will enter the irreversible process of transition in Burma. In February,I went to Myanmar Economist Wu Min Dan (u Myint) in Yangon and ratio are discussion sessions were held in the new capital.   The seminars must be that a grand, participation of the audience is also active, two in the 1960 of the 20th century left the famous Myanmar Myanmar, returned for the first time after more than 40 years economists have done both profound and moving speech. I Colombia UniversityColleague luonade·fendelei (Ronald Findlay) pointed out that the two economists, 91 years old, one of the London School of economics professor pulling sensitive (Hla Myint) was brought in the development strategies of the most successful of all time, that opening the economy, stimulate export-led growth. In recent decades, this strategy has been widely applied in Asia, the mostNotable is Chinese.   Now, finally turn to his motherland. In December 2009 world of tanks power leveling, I lecture in Myanmar.   At that time, reside in Myanmar need to be treading on thin ice, because how do you define the problem-even if it is poor, low agricultural productivity, labour problem-like quality is not high-sensitive. Today, the suspect had already been thrown into nineClouds clouds, replaced by the urgent need of talents – the Government of Myanmar was anxious to know how to deal with these and other challenges, provides technical and other forms of assistance they need. (From the perspective of population and income level, Myanmar was accepted international aid for at least one country in the world. ) On the causes of recent changes rapidly in Myanmar there are still a lot of controversy. Perhaps its leaders recognizedHe realized, that once the world's largest rice-exporting countries are lagging behind neighbors. Perhaps they have heard of Arab spring lines. Perhaps only because they see, in the case of 3 million Burmese people living overseas, want the country's isolation from the world, preventing information from neighbouring countries into the internal is impossible to complete the task. Regardless of the reasons, change really occursAnd opportunities brought about by the reform is beyond doubt. However, a large number of international sanctions – no matter what in the past has played a role – and now appear to be counterproductive. For example, transparency in financial sanctions in restraining the development of the modern financial system, preventing the pace of Myanmar into the world. Resulting in a cash-based economy like in the hotbed generating corruption.Similarly, restrictions from the developed industrial countries have social responsibilities of companies doing business in Burma to speculators who opened the door.   We should be welcoming Myanmar from multilateral institutions and the United Nations development programme guidelines and recommendations of thirst; but world of tanks power leveling, in practice, we are bound by these institutions in the transition of Myanmar continued to display their play. EachWhen we refused to give aid or insist on imposing sanctions, we should be thinking again, who is sought by the us change of obstacles. Liberalization of trade in agriculture and textiles--even if it is only open to other varieties of poor countries – Myanmar population directly benefits poor farmers of 70% wot power leveling, will also create employment opportunities. Rich walks aroundFinancial sanctions, simply spend a little, and general public to want to get rid of the international influence of second-class citizens, it is not so easy. We see that the Arab spring flowers indomitably to bloom in some countries, but in other countries, we cannot determine the flowers becomes fruit. Myanmar's transition from a degree called a sound fails to TwiTter and capture the warm attention on the Facebook, but its real degrees and no less than Arab spring, and as worthy of the international community to support Arab spring. Joseph Stiglitz is Colombia University Professor at the University, winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, author of the fall of the free market "author: Joseph Stiglitz"(Editors: Chen Jun)

