
tera power leveling in addition to the ICBC said implementation of benchmark interest rates - SFP

129771798631656060_65SINA real estate (Edit Liu Fang) lead: last week, statistics for 2 months in 70 cities home prices data, data show that compared with last month, 70 cities in the city reach of new commercial house price decline or flat 46, Rose City only has 4, first-tier cities in decline in full for the first time. In the finance sector, to support a rigidDemand, first mortgage rates have moved to 85 percent of large banks tera power leveling, this first set of mortgage interest rates is particularly evident in the large State-owned line tera power leveling, in addition to the ICBC said implementation of benchmark interest rates, Bank, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, agricultural Bank all have "loosened". On March 21, the Bureau of land and resources in Fuzhou City 2012 housing land supply plan announced – this year, Fuzhou City will supply219.99 hectares of land for housing, affordable housing program 116.9 hectares, accounted for 53.2% of the total. In addition, the morning of the 20th, Fuzhou municipal government and Fujian Provincial branch of China Construction Bank, Bank of China Fujian branch and Fuzhou Branch of China CITIC Bank signed "Twelve-Five" strategic cooperation framework agreement for the period, 3 financial institutions plan to provide 95 billionFunding supports construction of metropolitan areas in Fuzhou. Fuzhou after the Spring Festival, last week the market close overall property market usher in a new round of promotions, price trend in Fuzhou sluggish trading volume rising for a number of weeks. As external push regional projects will increase, plate competition is increasingly fierce diablo 3 power leveling, prices seen, instead of the "5" prefix property of blooming everywhere. ShangFuzhou market turnover for the week, 350 contract area of 41980.28 square meters, in addition to new housing stock there last week on an upward trend, 95697.92 square meters of new housing area is released, Number Sets for the 619. Last week the market supply and demand relationship (1) area of 41980.28 square metres, last week's close, per cent higher than 3.93%As shown in the figure, Fuzhou renders the contract area of the property market is still on an upward trend last week, agency capacity of 350, signed a day to 50, over the previous weeks 11, fell to 3.05%. Sold area of 441980.28 square meters, over the previous weeks 1586 square per cent higher than 3.93%. Last week the market supply and demand(2), area of new housing stock last week seven square meters per cent higher than 95697.92 as shown in the figure, released last week, Number Sets for the 619, over one week 156 set earlier, fell by 20.13%; new area of 95697.92 square meters, over the previous week added 52123.73 square meters, per cent higher than 119.62%. Last week new housing area compared with the previous week, rendered substantially rise, further expanded the gap between supply and demand trend of the property market. Housing trends in recent weeks (3), last week's property market oversupply last week added the property market in Fuzhou in Fuzhou area of 95697.92 square meters, deal area of 41980.28 square meters, bad 53717.64 square, Number Sets for the 619 Number Sets new turnover Number Sets for the 350, a difference of 269 set, so the property market oversupply in Fuzhou last week. In recent weeks the market supply and demand the previous page 1 2 next page Others:

