
tera gold China's high-speed development of order is - OND

129756967267968750_52Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 8 (reporters Cha Wenye and and Gu Ruizhen)-, Member of the National Committee of the CPPCC Chief Huang Qiang, a researcher at the China Academy of railway Sciences 8th told reporters, high-speed rail do not exist in China and foreign intellectual property disputes, high-speed rail in China's independent intellectual property is to be internationally recognized as a whole. Related news: Wang mengshu: not because 7·23 negativeWang mengshu Guo Gaotie technology: Chinese investment in high-speed rail construction would not reduce Sheng Guangzu: have not heard of the Ministry of railways into the construction of high-speed rail, traffic, no suspension of CSR response to luxury motor car: prices there is an obvious fallacy Huang Qiang said, according to his understanding, Chinese high-speed rail projects are large, but so far, not a lawsuit. Is not only intellectual property without tera gold, Another lawsuit has none. He said that high-speed rail is a complete system, matching need linking to each other. This match only the overall design of the relationship can be developed, specially developed motor car details of technology does not solve the problem. So there is no problem of foreign intellectual property violations by the Chinese side, the Chinese and the Western does not exist such disputes.Huang Qiang said, China's high-speed development of order is, project demonstration, design, concept diablo 3 gold, design, technical design, detailed design and manufacturing tera gold, validation, and finally the application debugging. In this process, two things are the Chinese do. (Final) (Editor: LV Qiang) Others:

