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129756711650781250_975[Guide] criticism of Lin Biao in Mr PANG Chun-hoi said: this man is insolent, men do not have equal attitude. Subordinate to him just like a son called, lack of respect for superiors are. Chairman Mao is the real hero, who think he is a great hero. Two males cannot be compatible since ancient times, so is against Chairman Mao. Lushan Conference in 1959, Mao Zedong was launched incorrectlyOn Peng Dehuai's criticism, resulting in a tragedy of history. After Peng rehabilitated, all on DuPont biography, shaped as an image of uprightness and tenacity Pang, history seem to have become settled. Laozhanyou of Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai as the Jinggangshan period, why does eventually broke up, with little discussion of the reasons. In 1998, Peng staff, Academy of military sciences around the front yardLong Zheng Wenhan, drag, and Wang Yan, Wang Yazhi, Comrade Wang Chengguang finally broke the silence, published the book diary of the Secretariat General Manager Pang, provides insight into the intricacies of the struggle within the Party of the year, Peng Mao before and after to inform readers of the Lushan Conference history in the fight against the truth. Shanghai meeting, dozens of years of conflict into the revolutionary war, Peng Dehuai was Mao ZedongTo rely on war. At the beginning of the founding of new China, Peng Dehuai be entrusted with a mission at a critical and difficult moment, commanding fighting this war, defeated the modernization of United Nations forces, made illustrious military exploits. After returned diablo 3 gold, he also presided over the CMC day-to-day work, have made outstanding contributions to modernization of the Chinese people's Liberation Army. But this time, his relationship with Mao Zedong's subtle changes have occurred. The saying goes "high shock"Mao Zedong's most important army, but Peng on a number of major policy decisions, or not enough time, makes hair feel DuPont high weight, is becoming increasingly difficult to manage. Later, Peng "three-part seven cooperation does not cooperate", is referred to in this period. On May 6, 1958, spoke at the eight-second meeting of the CPC proposed "to be prepared to deal with splitting of the party", that is,Pang said. 25th, the CPC Central Committee on the eight session of the plenary, of Lin Biao as Mao Zedong proposed to recover several years the CPC Central Committee, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the, ranked DuPont. John is in an awkward position, he proposed to the Central request is no longer as Secretary of Defense. On June 9, held in Zhongnanhai, Member of the Standing Committee, in January of that year at the Nanning meeting because "anti-risk"Subject to harsh criticism of Mao Zhou Enlai made his resignation as Prime Minister, Peng made resigned as Secretary of Defense positions. Member of the discussion, decided to "they should continue to work as now, there was no need to change". Difference is, weeks was forced to make, which is offered. This makes hair feel is to resign his indicate dissatisfaction with Pang. March 1959On the political Bureau enlarged meeting in Shanghai, when Peng once again raised when no longer serve as the next Secretary of Defense, and sternly said, "Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister also did not? "Peng" keep silent so silent ". Since then, and the sudden tension between Peng, also open. At the Shanghai meeting, criticized the work of the National Planning Commission, sudden topic change, said Pang to present: "Comrade Peng you are Maggie hates me because I criticize you. Criticism of you is for your own good, I am not eccentric. "Say:" you Peng Dehuai was always against me. I was not I, I do not prisoners; if I committed, I will the prisoners. I'm older, to the funeral, but also to save you. "This warning in the senior cadre in the party, is extremely rare. DescriptionPeng stereotypes are very serious, should John feel politically dangerous. But John is baffled, also asked the President why others beat him. Insiders see it very clearly. General of then Chief of staff Huang Kecheng recalled: "as early as, jestingly saying Pang President: ' CEOs, we set a Protocol, after my death, you rebels, all right? ' PrimaryI fear deep Pang. Peng have not increased vigilance and continue to go its own way, and wanted to say that. "That is the case. John on several public occasions, said the hair thing. Secretaries recorded in November 1956, Peng to visit, see the walls of the military oath on 1th section is "we're going to sth under the leadership of Chairman Mao", he said, "something is wrong with the wording,In the army is a national, not only in which, under the leadership of a man. We are a materialist, leadership who did Chairman Mao die? You want to modify in the future. "On January 30, 1959 in logistics college graduates to address the General Assembly, he said:" the body is dying, they say long live, it is held, is lying. No one really long live live. "These things are real, But in that age of the cult of personality, these words are very "violate the tradition". These conflicts and prejudices, two people have no chance to pledge allegiance to alleviate and eliminate. The 1959 Lushan Conference, and finally developed into a political struggle. Of course, the premise is wrong John. But from the records of the Secretariat, this event is not accidental, nor the spur, whichThere are a variety of factors. Mao Zedong to Peng Dehuai's SAP Mao Zedong convened the Lushan Conference, designed to correct the "great leap forward" movement "left" approach, so that the national economy will not get out of control. In 1958, the "great leap forward" movement after the rise, on becoming aware of the many violations of scientific practices. After extensive investigation, Zhengzhou meeting in November, proposed correction to the left.Then convened a series of meetings, listening to the local reported cadre, criticized the "great leap forward" fukuafeng, arbitrary orders, issues, and research on issues such as distribution system, the overall balance of the national economy of the people's commune. In order to engage problems, he called on local leaders and cadres of the Central People's Government is responsible for the economic of Lushan, opened a "supernatural beings", "compressed air". Mao personally18 issues for discussion. This shows that hair is not stubborn, to the collapse of the national economy, but see the problems, ready to solve the problem. But there is a premise. The "great leap forward" was launched by him, people drive orthometric height, fully affirmed the achievements of the great leap forward, on the basis of correct bias. Mao said, "has been a great success, the problem does notLess promising. "This is he to the Lushan Conference set the tone. Since the Conference was, it was bound to reflect on the place of the real situation. Then there was a precursor of the famine, quite serious. John to the home inspection, the "great leap forward" caused serious consequences to his great anxiety. Him up the Hill to say "great leap forward" problem is very serious, tellParty to the Central reported cadre. In order to cause attention, on July 14, he wrote a long letter to Mao, reflects on his "great leap forward". This letter today, there is no problem, is reflected the real situation. Is only used in the "lost" and "petty-bourgeois fanaticism". There was no attitude, just to have a name: Of the comrade Peng Dehuai's submissions, participants had been issued. Peng said after the sentence: "how to add such a name? "There is no deeper. In fact, this struggle is about to launch a political signal. There was a case in the history: after the long March of the Red Army reached northern Shaanxi, facing severe economic difficulties. To solve the problem of survival of the Red Army, in February 1936, under the CentralEast of the Red Army, the Yellow River to Shanxi, said to be opened up on the anti-Japanese base area in the name. Peng, and many generals did not understand at that time, considered the Red Army took so many road, long feared teams go wrong again. To ensure troops could return Pang, wool is not pleased to say: "you absolute assurance, I cannot guarantee. "Foreign advisers Reed Richards wrote a long letter to Central, said that East is dangerousInsurance. On Li de Mao of the submissions of Comrade Li de, keep central in northern Shaanxi Meng, head of Reed Richards. Peng as a party, should be aware of this process. But he was not aware of the dangers of Lushan, what is his political acumen not working well, or some other reason? So far unclear. Also, the letter itself OK, but the key is who wrote. If you are next toPeople write, perhaps not to see how serious. But John is different, as the head of the army, but so many comments on the economic problems. Mao's class struggle consciousness is so sensitive, will naturally think of some serious problems. After Peng issued a letter, endorsed many cadres, some feedback there, caused him great concern. Responsible comrades of the central anti-Map: Peng criticized the "great leap forward", and Khrushchev's criticisms of the Soviet Union, we more or less. Peng went to visit the Soviet Union, is what has taken back? This is purely speculation. In June 1959, Peng led a military delegation to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union visits in Albania coincides with the visit of Nikita Khrushchev met. During the three times of diplomatic etiquette for the meeting,Substantive issues would not talk about. But think that John was going to the Soviet Union "smell", "learn from" suspected Peng was "have illicit relations with foreign countries". This charge until 1962 on Central Conference of the 7,000 people, also announced in the party could not be rehabilitated. Another responsible comrades of the central authorities to reflect: Peng said at the Panel: "If China is not good workers, farmers, may to the Red Army. "PengMain responsible person said: the words of the army, seriously spur to Mao Zedong. Hair has always been the most importance to the military, so later, Peng said: "the people's Liberation Army does not go with me, I'll go looking for the Red Army. "Ke Qingshi, Secretary of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee also reported:" Peng teams on the mountain, who was he pulled over. "This leads to guard, believing that John was made to his leadership and authority in pickWar. Later, when John says, "fight for the masses is the purpose of writing this letter, organizing team. "This way, Pang upgrade for the offence of" usurp Party and State power. " For these reasons, think that John is not a simple comment. But not not sure of battle, his last test. So, he sent to look for Anhui provincial CPC Committee Secretary Zeng Xisheng Peng "chatting". Zeng XishengDuring the long March is CMC 2 Secretary, responsible for information and confidential work, is the most trusted subordinates. Mr PANG Chun-hoi asked three questions: 1. why write this letter? Not convinced? Pang said there was no particular purpose. 2. visits abroad had an impact? Peng said, not in a foreign country on the General line and the "great leap forward" thing. 3. to Lin Biao, Vice Chairman of the Central it doesFull? Peng said: never thought of such a thing. Zeng Xisheng said in despair: "so we can't talk about. "Peng bluntly stated:" it is not talking about it. "Cengxishengti of three issues, not his personal behavior, but lives to fight for last Pang of Mao. But no Pang to face, on the three issues blanket denial, think John is arbitrary.Therefore, determination, Peng on July 23, the General Assembly had harsh criticism. The Lushan Conference situations quickly, by correcting "left" into the struggle against Right deviations, and Peng Dehuai, Zhang Wentian, Huang Kecheng, Zhou Xiaozhou and other people as "anti-Party Group". However, John does not yield at the Lushan Conference. Mao Zedong convened the Politburo Standing Committee in a row since then, criticism on Mr PANG Chun-hoi. TopicsAlready beyond the content of the letter, but clearing history surely, that DuPont has been consistent in its history against the hair. Peng's argument, Wo skinful fire, wrote in a note: "on July 23, Chairman Mao gave me a boring bar. This bar is called ' playing the right opportunism line ', and history all Jiuzhang moved out, then 40 strokes and right opportunism of the fourTop ten Board, a total of 80 strokes, bianti mark hurt, two meat-free, then placed sign verdict is not allowed, not allowed to contest, but introduced the Meridian Gate-free beheading, keep the party. Grasp the arrogance of you Wang Badan, and you! See how he behaves. "12 «» Others:

