
diablo 3 power leveling on the importance of new type of rural social endowment insurance - LAW

129765814582089165_95This newspaper in Shuozhou diablo 3 power leveling, March 17 (reporter Liu Chenggen intern Cui Wanfu) recently organised in Shuozhou City people's Government "new rural social old-age insurance lectures." Invited the Ministry of human resources and social security Social Security Center Director Liu Wei, on the importance of new type of rural social endowment insurance, and urban residents in how to do the new farmers ' insurance and pension cover for allWork, detailed explanations. Liu Wei said in a lecture: "new farmers ' insurance and pension insurance for urban residents tera gold, and is helpful in improving national State of belief. Adhere to the mass line, and are good at doing the mass work for new farmers ' insurance and endowment insurance management services of urban residents basic methods of work to the letter. "Gold-line statement: Gold-line reprint of the above content diablo 3 power leveling, Does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

