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129770869262656250_2Beijing, March 24 in the 19th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva local time 23rd through "Syria human rights situation" draft resolutions. In view of the lack of Justice Bill, Russia, Cuba and China had voted. The same day, the EU Foreign Ministers decided to once again expand on Syria sanctions. According to the official website of the United Nations message, the United Nations human rightsMay 23rd to 41 votes in favour to 3 against tera power leveling, with 2 abstentions vote adopted a resolution condemning Syria acts of serious violations of human rights swtor credits, and decided to extend the Syria mandate independent investigation of the Human Rights Committee. Given that the draft resolution on the content a lot reference "Syria" friends of presidential statements, continue to exert pressure on the Syrian Government to increase efforts to avoidOr desalination of Syrian opposition and terrorist violence. Russia, China and other countries believed that the draft resolution failed to balance reflects Syria the real situation does not help to constructively resolve Syria crisis, therefore cast a negative vote. The same day, held a meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Brussels decided to expand on the Syria sanctions. According to AFP, the total of 12 Syria peopleAnd 2 Syria enterprise "involved in repression, supported Syria or benefiting from the Syrian authorities of the regime" are included in the listing. EU to freeze the assets of individuals and enterprises in the European Union, and to prevent the Member States from which 12 Syria to issue visas. It is reported that this is from May 2011 diablo 3 power leveling, the 13th EU rules on Syria sanctions resolution. As of now, SyriaA total of 126 individuals and list of 41 companies were listed by the EU. Reuters said that according to European diplomatic action according to Department officials, this was included in the sanctions list included Syria * President Bashar Al-Assad's wife, mother and others. Sanctions against these people and not really affected are the interests of ordinary people. In addition, the EU in Syria GovernmentGovernment House continued to put pressure on at the same time, still on the United Nations League Syria issue joint Special Envoy of Annan's good offices to support it. But analysis, the EU put pressure on the Syrian Government one way sanctions will have an adverse effect on Annan's mission of good offices. (End) Others:

