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129742939348906250_342Wealth management platform of choice for high-end customers Home about wealth wealth wealth Academy member area of focused products online services function getQueryString (key) {var searchString=document.location.search.toString(); var returnValue = ''; if (searchString.substr(0,1)=='?'g = searchString.substring(1,searchString.length) var queryList = queryString.split('Zhongjin gold in wealth management online Center for high-end customers online wealth management centre for high-end customers "from fortune to keep the rich stage of financial management of the current location: Home wealth Center Home Trust www.cnfol.com2012 the body of research on February 20 buy fund researchCentre recently, China's trust Industry Association announced at the end of the first quarter of 2011 trust of key business data. Data show that since the beginning of last year, rapid development of trust industry. As of end of the first quarter of 2011, total assets reached 4,811,438 diablo 3 gold,000,000 billion of China's trust. Net increase of $ 1,770,983,000,000 for the year, growth rate of 58.25%, where the newIncreased trust assets of more than $ 3.17 trillion, amount of funds due to 1.4 trillion. At the beginning of 2010, $ 1,500,570,000,000 total assets of China's trust only, in two years ' time, has expanded by more than 3 times. Trends in fund raising project to reduce data sources: Association of China Trust industry. In the context of relatively tight macroeconomic regulation and control, and general tightening of banks, trust and thawFeatures highlights of Chinese channels, fund raising trust and become the main way of the trust assets. At the end of 2011, the trust fund raising totaled 2.48 trillion of assets, annual increments of $ 680.872 billion. , According to recently released the 2011 Bank of the people's bank credit, new credit to 7.47 trillion for the year. Increment of the financial assets of the trust, orBank credit 9%. Another aspect of fund raising project funds will increase, is such a project reduced percentage. In fact, starting from the second quarter of 2010, has been shrinking percentage of financing business, with the implementation of measures on the net capital management trust company, financing projects than in the full trust of project, from the second quarter of 2010 reached 63.77% High, began falling monthly. To the end of 2011 the proportion had declined to 51.44%. As the Fund raising trust business risk coefficients relatively high, trust fund raising projects reduce the percentage, is where the industry trends. "Other" industry investment growth data sources: Association of China Trust industry. From the investment point of view, 2011 new trust projects reflect a wide range of trends. Into the biggest industry for industrial and commercial enterprises, 2011 new 820.053 billion element, than the new 25.83%, due $ 409.842 billion, a net increase of 410.21 billion dollars. Real estate industry added $ 370.457 billion, less than 11.67%, Due to $ 114.595 billion, a net increase of 255.863 billion dollars. At the end of 2011, real estate trust accounting for more than 14.83%, and by the end of 2010, roughly. From the quarterly distribution, there is a growing trend in the first half, added reached 136.668 billion in the second quarter, while the contraction in the second half, four quarters only 487.9 billion yuan added. Basic industries 2011 added $ 569.341 billion, $ 548.411 billion due, net increase $ 20.93 billion only, basic industry's share in the overall, from 34.39% to 21.88% of the end of 2010, more than 10%. Mainly due to state 4 trillion in investments, FoundationFocusing on industrial investment, as represented by the transport industry and the construction industry in China's infrastructure construction is becoming more mature, national policy has shifted to. This trust is also a shrinking trend. It is worth mentioning that, in the form of "other" industry projects increased, 759.996 billion worth of new projects for the year 2011, all industry accounts for more than 23.94%,Second only to the industrial and commercial enterprises. Due the size of 283.554 billion yuan, net increase $ 476.443 billion, net growth in all of the industry's largest. One-quarter of new projects, from the end of 2010, the 85.773 billion growth until the end of 2011 of $, one-quarter of new share also increased from 19.38% to 28.61%�� In the form of "other" industry projects increase, reflects the trust companies in innovation, industry investment diversification. Such as, CITIC trust, shipping trust, trust, trust in Changan, Thailand into trust, Xinhua, more than trust have launched trust plans to invest in art market. Thaw in the Sichuan trust, trust, trust in Golden Valley, into the wine marketNow. Integrity in supporting the launch of the mahogany-investment trust products. Data source: Association of China Trust industry. In General, trust business continues explosive growth for 2011. In growth, we can see some good trend, such as real estate projects have a significant contraction. Trust company of some flexibility, constant you can find the latest developmentDirection trades continued to expand. Trust Fund raising project, is gradually reduced. At present, many trust companies are beginning to invest in business layout, enhanced self-management capacity, improve the percentage of investment business. Of course, in development, will inevitably be some cacophony of sound. In addition to the risk of real estate investment trusts constantly pushed the air waves, and someLast year a strong increase of trust of potential mineral categories, favorite categories tera power leveling, have also been questioned in the prospect of high risk. Although to a certain extent, avoid new risks in the field of innovation, but for the industry, and on the richness and extensibility of the product, to the good direction change. As an investor, more meaningful things, not chasing fashion trends, or follow the highIncome, but to invest in something he can really understand. Online Gold CNFOL Private Wealth Management wealth Center jobs | About us | Partners | Legal statement | Site map | Contact us all rights reserved: Fujian online Gold shares is limitedCompany min-Hello, B2-20050010! If you are interested in our products or services, please click here to leave a message eq2 plat! We will have customer service and contact you as soon as possible! 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